Foundation after Halebi brothers offered Russian Spiritual Experience to UN and US President
Children of “children of war” become victims of new European conflict
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Мирное урегулирование на Украине Orthodoxy
Foundation after Halebi brothers offered Russian Spiritual Experience to UN and US President
We live in unpredictable and conflict-affected world, where any spiritual effort aimed at the well-being of the humanity is notable. According to our sources, on May 15, 2023, the Russian Foundation for
Вил Салден: у каждого из наших слушателей отменный вкус Music
Wil Salden: everybody that comes to see us has got good taste
A concert by the Glenn Miller orchestra will take place on February 22, 2020 at the house of Music in Moscow. It will be a real feast for all fans of swing music. They will enjoy with world-famous compositions
Белль дю Берри: Мне любопытна русская музыка Music
Belle du Berry: I’m curious about Russian music
Concerts of French music are always interesting for Russia: whether they represent the great world classical traditions, or whether introduce the national chanson or the modern musical life of France
Банкир Стюарт Лоусон: некоторые завидуют моему увлечению Culture and art
Banker Stuart Lawson: some people are jealous of my passion
Graduates of Oxford Humanities, a banker, a high school teacher and the largest analyst Stuart Max Lawson never tire of surprising … Recently with the support of Sberbank (note, not Citibank or HSBC!
Норвежцы по-прежнему любят орган, он – часть их жизни Music
The Norwegians still love the organ, it’s a part of their life
For people who love the unique sound of the organ, there is no need to represent our interlocutor. Norwegian organist, adjunct Professor of the Grieg Academy in Bergen, Karsten Askeland  arrives in Russia
Ян Латам-Кёниг: русские готовят публику будущих поколений Music
Jan Latham-Koenig: Russia preparing next generation public
Although name of the conductor Jan Latham-Koenig is latin, he occupied important place in music life of modern Russia and his work defines it. Chief conductor of famous Kolobov New Opera, Mr.
Мирное урегулирование на Украине Orthodoxy
Foundation after Halebi brothers offered Russian Spiritual Experience to UN and US President
We live in unpredictable and conflict-affected world, where any spiritual effort aimed at the well-being of the humanity is notable. According to our sources, on May 15, 2023, the Russian Foundation for
Children of “children of war” become victims of new European conflict
It seems an evil fate is haunting a part of the Spanish people which became exiles of their own country during the Spanish Civil war in 1930s. Now their children have turned into exiles again due to the
How to write an invoice? Economy
How to write an invoice?
Paperless office is a good opportunity for any company, especially for small business startups. E-invoicing (electronic invoicing) enables businessmen to represent business to the customers and trading
Fly2play gold tours to New York Travel
Fly2play gold tours to New York
The metropolis is located in the northern east of the United States, in the lower reaches of the Hudson River. It occupies three islands. It is the largest economic, scientific, trade, financial, political
EXANTE and SEC: it’s time to become a trader Banks and Credits
EXANTE and SEC: it’s time to become a trader
A trader is a person who trades on the stock exchange and tries to earn profit from trading operations. Traders trade stocks, futures, options as well as other assets on the stock exchange.
Justin Stebbing about green filters Home and beauty
Justin Stebbing about ten best filter plants
The problem of lack of clean air in the office or at home causes a lot of inconvenience to residents of the metropolis, says Justin Stebbing from Camden Garden Centre in London. You can solve this problem