A group of analysts at RAS RIM has updated its quarterly economic forecast

Группа аналитиков RIM при РАН обновила квартальный прогноз развития России

In 2014, the resulting rise in prices is estimated at 9.1%. In the first half of 2015 is expected to reduce the level of real disposable income and consumer demand. In 2015 expected consumer price growth at 8.4%. The forecast value of the Euro is 48.6 rubles in 2014, 56.3 rubles in 2015 and RUB 56.9 in 2016, 57.6 rubles in 2017. In the period of 2016-2017 years expected GDP growth not exceeding 2% per year. // Moscow// 17/11/2014, Source: RIM

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