Achievements of domestic healthcare system in Russia and abroad

Healthcare Ministry, World Health Organization

September 22, 2016, Health Minister Veronika Skvortsova spoke about the success domestic healthcare system within the country and abroad.

Russia is one of the world leaders in the rate of growth of lifespan. Duration of life has increased by more than 8 years since 1994. Women live an average of 77.3 years in Russia.

The Minister explains the reasons for the success by the propaganda of healthy lifestyle, and optimization of medical care. Promotion of healthy lifestyle is carried out by a special government commission, which includes all Ministers, public and religious organizations.

Since 2009 in Russia the number of smokers has decreased by 25% and alcohol consumption by 38%.

For 10 years the mortality from cardiovascular diseases decreased by 1/3, from stroke almost by 2 times, and disability by 4 times.

The death rate from traffic accidents declined by more than 12% during 7 months of 2016.

On the international stage, Russia heads the group for prevention and control of non-infectious diseases, focusing on high mortality rates in the countries of Central Asia and Eastern Europe. In order to collaborate effectively on this issue a representative office of the World Health Organization (WHO) was opened in Moscow. Over the last 3 years Russia has provided support to 24 countries in the framework of the global WHO program for the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases.

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