Russian magazine «Vedomosti» informed us, that Russian Prime-minister D. Medvedev asked Russian President V. Poutine to change governmental management system, which is now based on Soviet methods of control and motivation, – and has got approval. Our article represents an attempt to investigate, what especially is planned to do.
What is the target of commission?
Target of creation of the commission is marked as to increase effectiveness of governmental work.
For the above purpose D. Medvedev offers to coin the term of Western «KPI» system for each ministry and to elaborate «control panel» for state power adjusted for social evaluation of its acts. Upon the opinion of the prime-minister, this will form personal responsability for KPI indicators.
KPI (Key Performance Indicators) – it is a system of work efficiency evaluation, generally accepted in different branches of business and management. As applied to politics, we find M&E indicators (national monitoring and evaluation). National strategies are the base of such indicators, which depends on national priorities.
Methods of indicator development are different. Someone (like Canada, USA and Colambia), use incremental (for certain programmes) , others – overall approach (which is applied for each policy, like Mexico or Korea).
Russia is not pioneer in adjustment of the above International system. Everyone needs it. There is no unique rules and each government refines its work, as for example, Chile or Finland, and creates own reporting and control system in Internet like Netra Reporting System.
This is topic of correspondence between V. Poutine and D. Medvewww. Dashboards – this is just the national instrument for control in international mode.
The renewal discussed is not new, vector of country’s development will not be changed and it is told about correction of earlier implemented international standards. «Vedomosti» remind, that similar novelty was already implemented in 2004. Now occasion for premier’s proposal was given by German Gref, now president of Sberbank, who had been discussed changes with ministers. Experts doubt, if current system with its structure could reach effeciency, if it is self-checking. D. Medvedev proposes to create commission of President, Prime-Minister and officials of high level.
What are targets of the Russian government in 2016?
By the way, list of strategies serving as base for efficiency control, is already determined in corresponding strategies (Strategy 2020, for example).
On March 01, 2016 D. Medvedev approved plan of state measured for 2016. Targets of the government in current year are marked as «diversification of economy» and «creation of conditions for transfer to stable economy growth in mid-term prospect».
As usual, foreign words hide implementation of International regulations and institutions. Term «diversification of economy», which is based on theory of international labour division, means that developing countries may improve their indicators due to export and changing of its structure.
Totally in 2016 120 measures for «stable social-economic development of Russia in 2016» are scheduled. Part of the measues focuses on social protection of the population, another – on support of certain, strategically important, branches of the economy as follows: automotive, light industry, transport, housing and municipal, agriculture, touristic, aviation and others, especially in innovative segment.
On April 21, 2016 on session of government, D. Medvedev underlined, that at the moment results of the Q1 2016 contraductory, the plan in some aspects «doesn’t work as we would like to». Unfortunately, he didn’t mention KPI of the government and certain ministries – maybe it’s future control.
Sources: Vedomosti, The World Bank, The World Trade Organization, The IMF , Government of Russia, Government of Russia, Government of Russia, Government of Russia.