In Greek tomb was found the head of the Sphinx and the goddess of Hades

В греческой гробнице найдены голова сфинкса и богиня Аида

In Greek tomb was found the head of the Sphinx and goddess of Hades. It is 104 kilometers to the East of Thessaloniki, on the hill of Kasta in Amphipolis, the tomb is the largest of Greece IV century BC during the excavations it was discovered the marble head of the Sphinx and 3×4.5 m mosaic depicting the abduction of the goddess of the Cortex.

The purpose of the tomb is still unclear, but the style it is associated with the Royal family of Alexander the great and architect Deinocrates. The tomb is surrounded by a perimeter wall of about 490 meters.On the mound, the 5 – meter statue of a lion. The entrance was guarded by 2 five-foot Sphinx. Burial floors were carpeted red and white marble mosaics. The entrance to one of the rooms was guarded by two 2.3 m caryatids. There is also another mosaic with the abduction of Cora Hades. The head of the Sphinx found during the study of the third room of the tomb.// Moscow// 26/10/2014, Source: Nauka i zhizn

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