Culture and art

We live in unpredictable and conflict-affected world, where any spiritual effort aimed at the well-being of the humanity is notable. According to our sources, on May 15, 2023, the Russian Foundation for

A concert by the Glenn Miller orchestra will take place on February 22, 2020 at the house of Music in Moscow. It will be a real feast for all fans of swing music. They will enjoy with world-famous compositions

Concerts of French music are always interesting for Russia: whether they represent the great world classical traditions, or whether introduce the national chanson or the modern musical life of France

Graduates of Oxford Humanities, a banker, a high school teacher and the largest analyst Stuart Max Lawson never tire of surprising … Recently with the support of Sberbank (note, not Citibank or HSBC!

For people who love the unique sound of the organ, there is no need to represent our interlocutor. Norwegian organist, adjunct Professor of the Grieg Academy in Bergen, Karsten Askeland arrives in Russia

Although name of the conductor Jan Latham-Koenig is latin, he occupied important place in music life of modern Russia and his work defines it. Chief conductor of famous Kolobov New Opera, Mr.

Russian Vivacello festival always represents something new for the Russian music lovers – this principle invariably lies at the heart of the festival. The IX festival held on November 13-22, 2017 brings

On November 13, 2017 at Moscow Cello festival Vivacello will be represented the long-awaited world premiere. Concerto for cello and orchestra by Lord Michael Berkeley will be played at the concert hall

The all-Russian Museum of decorative-applied and folk art demonstrates the work of the German and the Russian beginning designers until August 28, 2017. The exhibition, which aims to show the old and the

Collection of the workshop units by the famous jeweler Carl Faberge in Tsarskoye Selo was supplemented with an ashtray produced during the First world war (1914-1918). Museum’

On March 22, 1842 was born an outstanding figure of Ukrainian musical art Mykola Lysenko. 2017 year marks 175 years since the birth of the composer.

In the Central house of artists (Moscow, Krymsky Val, 10) from 25 March to 2 April, will be held the 42-th Russian antique salon — the most comprehensive regarding exhibits and the most representative

On 20 March, 2017 it is a day when the world celebrates the Day of the French language (Journée Internationale de la francophonie) or the “Day of Francophonie”. On this date the solemn opening

4 years later, in 2021, our country will hold lavish celebrations of the 200th anniversary of the birth of the great Russian writer and muscovite Fyodor Dostoyevsky (1821-1881). The State literary Museum

“For many movie lovers, the festival has become an event, which is expected,” – said at the opening of the 8th Festival of Italian cinema the Italian Ambassador in Russia Cesare Maria