
The all-Russian Museum of decorative-applied and folk art demonstrates the work of the German and the Russian beginning designers until August 28, 2017. The exhibition, which aims to show the old and the

In the theater “Commonwealth Taganka Actors” on 07 March 2017 was opened an exhibition of photographs of head of Cuba Fidel Castro (1926-2016) called “Our Fidel”

On 02 March 2017 State Fine Arts Museum, on behalf of Director Marina Loshak, agreed to a promising exhibition of 2020 with a famous French art historian Jean-Hubert Martin. It is called “

From March 01 to September 10, 2017 the State Tretyakov Gallery (STG) will extract from its vaults Soviet sculptures depicting peasants. It was created by the greatest masters of 1920-1950 years: V.

Museum of International numismatic club in conjunction with the Moscow Kremlin Museums have invited visitors to look at the history of the Romanov dynasty through the prism of numismatics. Exhibition “

To 2nd April Muscovites have a tremendous opportunity to touch the world of Russian estate of Muraviev-Apostol (Museum of Matthew Muraviev-Apostol), and to observe “Magic light”

Until February 28, 2017 in the State Museum of East you can see the symbiosis of European and Asian modern art, represented in the works of young Korean artist Jung Yeon Min. She works very personally

From 08 February to 09 April 2017 visitors of the State Tretyakov Gallery can see the selected works of Byzantine Orthodox art of the X-XVI centuries, and also to compare them with nearby exhibits of the

On 02 February 2017 in the French Institute (Institut Francais de la Russie) was opened a wonderful exhibition of the Lithuanian photograph Antanas Sutkus (b. 1939), dedicated to the visit of the French

Museum-estate of Prince Yusupov in Arkhangelsk gave its visitors the opportunity to see an exhibition of gala desserts, which were glorified by Russian writers, talking about dinners and Royal receptions.

The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts continues to represent modern interpretations of world art masterpieces to its its visitors. In continuation of Dali variations on a theme of F.

“Images of Flora” exhibition opened in the Tretyakov gallery on January 25, 2017. The heart of the exposition is “Portrait of a woman in the image of Flora”, probably painted by

Editions of livre d’artiste (books of artists) with original printed graphics of the first names of the twentieth century – this is the way how Boris Fridman defines the conceptual core of his collection.

Still there is a lot of questions of the attribution of monuments of artistic iron casting of the XIX century. The work is in progress, and scientists are discovering new secrets. Who was the author of

On 18 January 2017 at the residence of the Ambassador of the French Republic an agreement about the awesome event was signed – thanks to the generous financial support of the company “