Nicolaes Maes. The Eavesdropper Exhibitions
Minor Dutch artists at Pushkin Museum will alive the Netherlands of the seventeenth century
11 Oct 2016 – 10 Jan 2017 in the Pushkin Museum of Fine Art in Moscow exhibition of “small Dutch” painting (Holland XVII century) is held. Works on household items is combined with arts and crafts of the era.
The elegance and glamour of art Deco in the Moscow Kremlin Museums Exhibitions
The Moscow Kremlin museums show exquisite art Deco
Clothing style art deco from the collection of the Costume Institute of Kyoto and jewelry houses Cartier and van Cleef and Arpels will be available for overview by the visitors of the Moscow Kremlin Museums
Albert Marquet. Vesuvius Exhibitions
Albert Marquet will give new view on French painting
On September 27 – January 08, 2016 at Poushkine Fine Art Museum in Moscow exhibition of curious French painter Albert Marquet. He is amazing because he discovers us one more, relatively unknown segment
Russian forum of collectioners 2016 Exhibitions
The Russian collector’s forum recalled the importance of the memory of generations
The Russian Forum of Collectors is held in the Central house of artist in Moscow on September 21-25, 2016. The event is supported by Ministry of culture of the Russian Federation and the government of Moscow.
Дж. Пиранези в Пушкинском музее расскажет об Италии и истоках русской архитектуры Exhibitions
G.B. Piranesi in the Pushkin Museum will tell about Italy and the origins of Russian architecture
Exhibition of Giovanni Battista Piranesi is held in the Museum of Fine arts of A. S. Pushkin on 20 Sep 2016 – 13 November 2016. Piranesi was an Italian man of culture, whose activities are multifaceted
Мемориальная квартира А.И. Сумбатова-Южина Exhibitions
Maly theatre held the evening of memory of its former Director Sumbatov-Ugine
Maly theatre held the next evening in memory of Russian actor, playwright and former Director of the Maly theatre, Prince A. I. Sumbatov-Yuzhin on September 17, 2016.
Presentation of the Raphael. Poetry image exhibition
From 13 September to 11 December 2016 at the Pushkin Museum works of Raphael will be shown. Exhibition of the great Italian painter will be held in Russia for the first time. Pictorial and graphic works
Выставка японских гравюр в Амстердаме Exhibitions
Exhibition of Japanese prints in Amsterdam
In the Dutch Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam from 24 June to 11 September 2016, an exhibition of Japanese prints from the collection of Alice Wessel (Wessel Elise) – shows 170 works.
Художественные сокровища России Exhibitions
Art treasures of Russia
One day, when I was passing by the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, I saw an advertising stand displaying exhibitions held there. “Such place cannot host a bad event”, –
Дом Пашкова. Российская Государственная Библиотека Exhibitions
In the Russian State Library manuscripts of Merezhkovsky and Khodasevich are shown
An exhibition of documents after D. S. Merezhkovsky and V. F. Khodasevich “Writers of the Silver age: Merezhkovsky and Khodasevich” is held on 17 August – 10 September 2016 in the Rumyantsev
Музей Москвы открыл выставку Азбука Музея Exhibitions
Museum of Moscow opened all-new vision exhibition
On August 04, 2016 the Museum of Moscow held opening of exhibition named “the ABC of the museum”. The event reflects the desire of the Museum to impress the new interactive generation and to
Девятый вал. И.К. Айвазовский Exhibitions
Aivazovsky presented at the exhibition in the Tretyakov gallery in full width
In Moscow, at the Tretyakov gallery on Krymsky Val, the exhibition of Ivan Aivazovsky (1817-1900) is held. It opened on 29 July 2016, exactly 1 year to the 200 anniversary from the birthday of the artist
Открытие выставки Л. Стейнмеца в ГМИИ Exhibitions
In the Pushkin Museum. Pushkin opened an exhibition of Leon Steinmetz “Spell of antiquity”
On July 28, 2016 in the Greek courtyard of the State Museum of Fine Arts after Pushkin was opened an exhibition of Leon Steinmetz “The spell of antiquity”. It will last until 18 September 2016.
А. Васнецов. Кремль при Иване III. Автолитография. Фото Российской Государственной Библиотеки Exhibitions
Muscovites have the opportunity to open mosсow-researcher in Apollinariy Vasnetsov
Apollinary Mikhailovich Vasnetsov is less known than his famous older brother, a “fantastic painter” Viktor Mikhailovich (“Alyonushka”, “Heroes” etc).
Житие святителя Николая Мирликийского, с его многочисленными чудесами (XVI в.). Фото Марии Колосовой Exhibitions
Exhibition “The Image of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker in the Russian book miniature” hosts in Moscow
Russian State Library in the Blue Exhibition Hall on Vozdvizhenka, 3/5 conducts extremely interesting exhibition of 56 handwritten and 34 early printed books of XVI-XIX centuries, dedicated to the image of St.