
The Memorandum of cooperation between the Uffizi Gallery and the Museum of fine arts. Pushkin was agreed on July 12, 2016 at the Embassy of Italy in Moscow. The Memorandum was signed by the Director of

On June 12, 2016 in museum of the great Russian singer of Feodor Shalyapin took place solemn opening of the exhibition of the artist Vladimir Olkhov (born on 30.07.1956).

Today, on June 01, 2016 the one-pillar chamber of the Patriarch Palace of the Moscow Kremlin was opened an exhibition of works by painter, sculptor, lapidary artist and jeweler Vasily Konovalenko (1929-1989).

125 years ago (on May 15, 1891) Russian writer Mikhail Bulgakov was born in Kiev. The name combines Russian litterary tradition, descending to N. Gogol and F. Dostoevsky, and also lasting spiritual essence.

In the main building of the Tretyakov gallery in Lavrushinsky lane in Moscow until may 15, 2016, the exhibition “Materials and techniques of printmaking. Woodcut” is held.

On April 23, 2016 at Tretyakov gallery on Krymcky Val was opened 20th «Russian Art Week» – International project of modern art. Artweek, as it is names worlwide, represents interesting phenomenon of our actual life.

On April 17, 2016 in Union of the Russian Writers in Moscow International project «Silver age of the Russian culture is opened». The topic «Silver age of the Russian culture» appeared after the exhibition

In Russian museum of 1812 in Moscow three exhibitions are held. The first one, which is small, but warm, composed of a few stands at the end of the main exposition, transfers us in the middle of XIX century
On December, 22 in the Union of architects of Russia was held the press-conference devoted to participation of Russia on the sixth International Bienniale of urbanism and architecture, UABB-2015 .

On December, 26 in the State Literature Museum starts the exhibition “I Will Tell You with the Last Frankness …”, that is dedicated to the 125th anniversary since Osip Mandelstam’

Moscow offers visitors and residents of the capital to travel to a fairy tale. The winter festival «Journey to Christmas» starts on December 18, 2015 and will last till January 14, 2016.

The grand exhibition for the 150 anniversary since the birth of Valentin Serov was prepared by the Tretyakov gallery. Visitors will be able to see 250 works of the great artist. There are not only paintings

From December 11 to December 13, 2015 in Gostiny dvor will take place the 6th Moscow international exhibition “Art of the Doll». More than 1000 artists from 26 countries of the world will participate in
The State Hermitage Museum implements some projects in order to develop the museum, to strengthen the international cultural relations, to encourage the study of the collections of the Hermitage. One of them is “

Russian artist Pavel Ryzhenko was born in officer family in 1970 and died at 44 years in 2014. He finished art school at the Institute named after Surikov, was in the army, then studied under I.