Pilote le Hot at Post-Babel Condition 2016 Lectures
International festival of poets united different languages and opposite genres
On 02-04 December 2016 in the framework of the book fair “non/fiction” in Russia took place the international literary festival of a new type called Post-Babel Condition”
N.E. Radlov. A meeting of the Soviet writers. Photo - museum.ru Lectures
A Writer Natalya Gromova Will Tell the Moscovites About Living Of the Soviet Writers
On November 12, the House of I. S. Ostroukhov will host a lecture of Natalya Alexandrovna Gromova “Square meters of creative work: everyday life of Soviet writers in the 30-50-ies”
Pokrovsky Cathedral. Photo: Press-servise of Russian history museum Lectures
Overview of lectures in Pokrovsky Cathedral in September 2016 – April 2017
In September 2016 – April 2017 cycle of lectures-conversations “Historical meetings” will host in Pokrovsky Cathedral. Lectures will be interesting for all visitors who are interested
Обзор лекций и экскурсий для взрослых в Третьяковской Галерее в сентябре-октябре 2016 года Lectures
Review of lectures and excursions for adults at the Tretyakov Gallery in September-October 2016
In September-October 2016 everyone will traditionally have the opportunity to learn about Russian art, to understand it and to find out the latest news on art in the Tretyakov Gallery.
В. Дудаков прочтёт лекцию в Музее русского импрессионизма Lectures
V. Dudakov will give a lecture at the Museum of Russian impressionism
On August 25, 2016 at 19:00 in the Museum of Russian impressionism will take place lecture of the largest collector of Russian avant-garde Valery Dudakov. He will tell about the time when he gathered his
19 марта 2015 года состоится вечер Необоримая нравственность русской культуры Lectures
On March 19, 2015 in Moscow will be held evening Overwhelming morality of Russian culture
On Thursday, on March 19, 2015 in Moscow will be held the next evening « Overwhelming morality of Russian culture » from series « Homecoming ». The evening starts at 18:30 p.m. Place of evening – White
Лекторий для желающих создать семью Lectures
Public lectures for those wishing to create a family
Public lectures named “Family School” open at church of saints Peter and Fevronia in Moscow (Maryino metro station).
Evening «Two sons of Russia» will be held on November 27, 2014
On November 27, 2014 at 18:30 in white hall of Filmakers union, in frames of Charity Spiritual-Educational cycle «Return to the motherland», will be held evening «Two sons of Russia».