
Wherever fate may have thrown us Wherever luck may have had us go We remain the same; outsiders to the world- Citizens of Tsarskoye Selo A.S. Pushkin. “The ninetenth of October” Tsarskoye Selo is a third

According to information obtained by “E Vesti” from the Russian Ministry of culture, in the first half of 2016, the most visited museums of Russia are the Museums of Saint-Petersburg: Peterhof

Russia submitted a revised draft of the Museum on Solovki in the court of UNESCO, announced the Minister of culture Vladimir Medinsky at a meeting on the preservation and development of the Solovki archipelago

Starting from July 18, 2016, State Litterary Museum will change the name to “State Museum of the history of the Russian literature after V. I. Dahl”.

On May 28 and 31, 2016 Museum of Fine Arts after Pushkin in Moscow was celebrated his birthday. It appeared on May 31, 1912, when it was first opened to the public under the name “

On Leningrad prospect in Moscow, on the territory of cultural-trading complex named «Bolshevik», is now placed Museum of Russian Impressionism. The museum, opened for public on May 28, 2016 – is one of

In 2015 the Moscow Kremlin museums was visited by 2’200’000 visitors. A quarter of them are Chinese, about a million US and Europe, the rest mainly citizens of Russia.

State Museum of Oriental art, located at the House Lunnyh created October 30, 1918, the exposition of the Museum consists of 147’500 exhibits representing the art of the Far and Middle East and Central