Мирное урегулирование на Украине Orthodoxy
Foundation after Halebi brothers offered Russian Spiritual Experience to UN and US President
We live in unpredictable and conflict-affected world, where any spiritual effort aimed at the well-being of the humanity is notable. According to our sources, on May 15, 2023, the Russian Foundation for
Начался Великий пост 2017 Orthodoxy
Fasting 2017 began
On 27 February – 15 April 2017 Orthodox Christians are fasting. “Healing time” – so has defined this his Holiness, Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Kirill in his word-farewell.
Завершились 25 Рождественские образовательные чтения Orthodoxy
25 Christmas educational readings completed
On January 24-27, 2017 were held XXV International educational Christmas readings organised by the Russian Orthodox Church with the support of the presidential Administration of the Russian Federation
Мощи Силуана Афонского впервые привезут в Россию и Беларусь Orthodoxy
The relics of Saint Silouan the Athonite for the first time will be brought to Russia and Belarus
Keep your mind in hell and despair not. Saint Silouan From 20 to 31 August 2016 parishioners of Holy spirit Cathedral in Minsk will be able to venerate the relics of St. ven. Silouan.
Русская Православная Церковь обеспокоена ущемлением прав родителей Orthodoxy
The Russian Orthodox Church is concerned about the infringement of the rights of parents
The Patriarchal Commission on family matters, protection of motherhood and childhood in its statement warns that the new version of article 116 of the criminal code (the “Law prohibiting education”
Святой Лука Крымский и Симферопольский Orthodoxy
Saint Luke of Crimea and Simferopol
Today, on June 11, is memorial day of outstanding Russian saint, who saved thousands of people during lifetime and is now saving our souls. Prominent scholar and lexicographer, who left rich highly artistic
Orthodox believers and Catholics are united with inadmissibility of sacred object desecration
Chairman of the Synodal information Department of the Russian Orthodox Church V.R. Legoida declared on January 13, 2015 that desecration of any sacred object is inadmissible. The reason for the statement
Paisios of Mount Athos is officially sainted
Official statement of Holy and Sacred Synod of Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople sacring Paisios of Mount Athos in Orthodox Church was published on January 13, 2015. The decision was carried unanimously
В Москву планируют привезти чудотворную икону Богородицы Достойно есть Orthodoxy
Miraculous icon of the Our Lady “It is Worthy” will be brought to Moscow
In 2015 it is planned to bring to Russia miraculous icon of Our lady «It is worthy» from mount Athos. The icon has left Athos just several times in its history.
Особенности Православных приходов в Африке Orthodoxy
Features of Orthodox parishes in Africa
According to radio Vera, now 6 million Africans profess the Orthodox faith. Since the 20-30s of the XX century, parishes began to appear not only in North but also in Central Africa.