Художественные сокровища России Exhibitions
Art treasures of Russia
One day, when I was passing by the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, I saw an advertising stand displaying exhibitions held there. “Such place cannot host a bad event”, –
В Люцерне стартовал летний фестиваль классической музыки Music
In Lucerne started a summer festival of classical music
The summer classical music festival opened in the Swiss city of Lucerne, located on the shore of lake Lucerne, at the foot of mount Pilatus, in front of Wagner’s Villa.
Совещание по сохранению и развитию Соловецкого архипелага, 2016 год Museums
The project of the Museum on Solovki stated in UNESCO
Russia submitted a revised draft of the Museum on Solovki in the court of UNESCO, announced the Minister of culture Vladimir Medinsky at a meeting on the preservation and development of the Solovki archipelago
Ночь кино впервые пройдёт в России 27 августа 2016 года Culture and art
Movie night will be held in Russia on August 27, 2016
For the first time “Movie Night” campaign will be held in Russia on August 27, 2016, on the Day of Russian cinema. The program of the event consists of free screenings, creative meetings and concerts.
Открыт Всероссийский конкурс артистов балета и хореографов 2016 Theatre
The all-Russian competition of ballet dancers and choreographers 2016 is opened
Applications for all-Russia competition of ballet dancers and choreographers are accepted till 01 Oct 2016. The contest will be held on 30 October – 04 November 2016 in Moscow, the Moscow State Academic Children’
Дом Пашкова. Российская Государственная Библиотека Exhibitions
In the Russian State Library manuscripts of Merezhkovsky and Khodasevich are shown
An exhibition of documents after D. S. Merezhkovsky and V. F. Khodasevich “Writers of the Silver age: Merezhkovsky and Khodasevich” is held on 17 August – 10 September 2016 in the Rumyantsev
Концерт "Золото Вены". Ансамбль AlterEgo Music
Works by Strauss and Schoenberg performed at the Art Center. Moscow
On August 11 2016, an AlterEgo string band held a concert of the Viennese music from the series “Remembrance of Things Past “. The performance hall was situated on the territory of Christ the
Мощи Св. Силуана. Фото: Русский Афон Orthodoxy
The relics of Saint Silouan the Athonite for the first time will be brought to Russia and Belarus
Keep your mind in hell and despair not. Saint Silouan From 20 to 31 August 2016 parishioners of Holy spirit Cathedral in Minsk will be able to venerate the relics of St. ven. Silouan.
В Руре в Германии начался триеннале 2016 Theatre
In the Ruhr in Germany began Triennale 2016
From 12 August until 24 September 2016 the Triennale of Ruhr, Germany (Ruhrtriennale) will be held. The Ruhrtriennale will present 200 performances of some 40 productions, including 32 original and co-productions
В. Дудаков прочтёт лекцию в Музее русского импрессионизма Lectures
V. Dudakov will give a lecture at the Museum of Russian impressionism
On August 25, 2016 at 19:00 in the Museum of Russian impressionism will take place lecture of the largest collector of Russian avant-garde Valery Dudakov. He will tell about the time when he gathered his
Центр славянских культур откроется в Библиотеке иностранной литературы Culture and art
Centre of Slavic cultures, will open at the Library of foreign literature
In 2016-2017 at the Library of foreign literature named. M. I. Rudomino, in partnership with the Forum of Slavic cultures (Ljubljana) will open the Center for Slavic cultures.
Музей Москвы открыл выставку Азбука Музея Exhibitions
Museum of Moscow opened all-new vision exhibition
On August 04, 2016 the Museum of Moscow held opening of exhibition named “the ABC of the museum”. The event reflects the desire of the Museum to impress the new interactive generation and to
Знаменитый оркестр сыграет вальсы из фильмов в Кремлёвском дворце Music
The famous orchestra will play waltzes from films in the Kremlin Palace
25 Aug 2016 19:00 Grand Symphony orchestra after Tchaikovsky will be performing the music from the movies in the Grand Kremlin Palace. Conductor is Denis Lotoev.
Мария Федосова, режиссёр Theatre
Play “Running” after Bulgakov in the “Commonwealth of Taganka Actors” and an interview with M. Fedosova
The play “Running”, based on the play by M. A. Bulgakov, was first staged in December 2015. Since then it became one of the favorite productions of the Theater “Commonwealth Taganka Actors”
Девятый вал. И.К. Айвазовский Exhibitions
Aivazovsky presented at the exhibition in the Tretyakov gallery in full width
In Moscow, at the Tretyakov gallery on Krymsky Val, the exhibition of Ivan Aivazovsky (1817-1900) is held. It opened on 29 July 2016, exactly 1 year to the 200 anniversary from the birthday of the artist