Sorbonne Culture and art
Mutuel education agreement between France and Russia
Education system in France was formed during the centuries and is now treated as one of the best in the world. At the same time english education for years was treated more prestigious and accessible in Russia.
Saint Luke of Crimea and Simferopol
Today, on June 11, is memorial day of outstanding Russian saint, who saved thousands of people during lifetime and is now saving our souls. Prominent scholar and lexicographer, who left rich highly artistic
19 марта 2015 года состоится вечер Необоримая нравственность русской культуры Lectures
On March 19, 2015 in Moscow will be held evening Overwhelming morality of Russian culture
On Thursday, on March 19, 2015 in Moscow will be held the next evening « Overwhelming morality of Russian culture » from series « Homecoming ». The evening starts at 18:30 p.m. Place of evening – White
Лекторий для желающих создать семью Lectures
Public lectures for those wishing to create a family
Public lectures named “Family School” open at church of saints Peter and Fevronia in Moscow (Maryino metro station).
Павел Рыженко Exhibitions
Pavel Ryzhenko
Russian artist Pavel Ryzhenko was born in officer family in 1970 and died at 44 years in 2014. He finished art school at the Institute named after Surikov, was in the army, then studied under I.
Exposures in memory of painter P.Ryzhenko
Exposure «Pavel Ryhenko. Empire in the last war» completed its work on January 18, 2015. It extended three months from October 15, 2014 and was twice prolonged, because of great interest to the exposition.
Orthodox believers and Catholics are united with inadmissibility of sacred object desecration
Chairman of the Synodal information Department of the Russian Orthodox Church V.R. Legoida declared on January 13, 2015 that desecration of any sacred object is inadmissible. The reason for the statement
Paisios of Mount Athos is officially sainted
Official statement of Holy and Sacred Synod of Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople sacring Paisios of Mount Athos in Orthodox Church was published on January 13, 2015. The decision was carried unanimously
В Москву планируют привезти чудотворную икону Богородицы Достойно есть Orthodoxy
Miraculous icon of the Our Lady “It is Worthy” will be brought to Moscow
In 2015 it is planned to bring to Russia miraculous icon of Our lady «It is worthy» from mount Athos. The icon has left Athos just several times in its history.
Evening «Two sons of Russia» will be held on November 27, 2014
On November 27, 2014 at 18:30 in white hall of Filmakers union, in frames of Charity Spiritual-Educational cycle «Return to the motherland», will be held evening «Two sons of Russia».
Открыта Выставка Павла Рыженко «Империя в последней войне» Exhibitions
An Exhibition of Pavel Ryzhenko “Empire in the last war” is opened
15 October – 16 November 2014 in the Exhibition hall of the Russian military historical society (RVIO, Lavrushinsky lane, 17, bld 1 in Moscow, an exhibition of an Orthodox artist Paul Ryzhenko.
Оркестр и оперная труппа Мариинского театра на гастролях в Великобритании Culture and art
The orchestra and Opera troupe of the Mariinsky theatre on tour in the UK
In the British cities of London, Cardiff and Birmingham with the Mariinsky theatre under conductor Valery Gergiev, from 02 to 09 Nov 2014 will present the Opera “betrothal in a monastery”
Выставка Магия Тела проходит в Третьяковской Галерее Exhibitions
The exhibition Magic of Body is held in the Tretyakov Gallery
23 Oct — 12 Apr 2015 at the Tretyakov Gallery will be held an exhibition of the Nude figure of the XIX-XX centuries are exhibited Here 200 graphic images of a brush of V. A. Serov, B.
В греческой гробнице найдены голова сфинкса и богиня Аида Culture and art
In Greek tomb was found the head of the Sphinx and the goddess of Hades
In Greek tomb was found the head of the Sphinx and goddess of Hades. It is 104 kilometers to the East of Thessaloniki, on the hill of Kasta in Amphipolis, the tomb is the largest of Greece IV century BC
Государственный музей Востока Museums
The Museum Of Oriental Art (Moscow, Russia)
State Museum of Oriental art, located at the House Lunnyh created October 30, 1918, the exposition of the Museum consists of 147’500 exhibits representing the art of the Far and Middle East and Central