Fidel Castro and Yuri Gagarin Exhibitions
Commonwealth of Taganka Actors recalls Fidel with exhibition
In the theater “Commonwealth Taganka Actors” on 07 March 2017 was opened an exhibition of photographs of head of Cuba Fidel Castro (1926-2016) called “Our Fidel”
Belgian Francis Goya was appeasing the audience in the Kremlin Palace
On March 04, 2017 the Grand Kremlin Palace accepted the guest of honor known since Soviet times by fans of virtuoso guitar. It was a Belgian musician Francis Goya, who came to Moscow to give just one concert
In 2020, the French globalizer of art will make the exhibition at the Pushkin Museum
On 02 March 2017 State Fine Arts Museum, on behalf of Director Marina Loshak, agreed to a promising exhibition of 2020 with a famous French art historian Jean-Hubert Martin. It is called “
В Зале Чайковского прозвучат шедевры певца итальянской революции Music
Masterpieces of Rossini will sound at the Tchaikovsky Hall
On 03 Mar 2017 Moscow Philharmonic will continue to acquaint its listeners with the stars of the world Opera and will offer a concert of famous canadian singer contralto, mezzo-soprano Marie-Nicole Lemieux
Men and women of 1920-1950 are exhibited in the Tretyakov gallery
From March 01 to September 10, 2017 the State Tretyakov Gallery (STG) will extract from its vaults Soviet sculptures depicting peasants. It was created by the greatest masters of 1920-1950 years: V.
Spivakov Fund has awarded scholarships to talented children
The Foundation of Vladimir Spivakov on 01 Mar 2017 presented 5 scholarships at 75’000 RUR for talented Russian kids. Fellowships have been reveived by young artist of the Sakhalin region A.
Director of the Metropolitan Museum retired
The Director of one of the largest museums in the world – American Metropolitan (Metropolitan Museum of Art de New York), Thomas Campbell announced that he officially leaves the Museum at the end of June
The restoration of the portal of lazurite cost for Tsarskoye Selo 5 mln RUR
In the famous Catherine Palace in Tsarskoye Selo part of the decoration of the Lyons hall of the Catherine II epoch was restored. We are talking about the lazurite portal, consisting of 150 kg of lazurite
Начался Великий пост 2017 Orthodoxy
Fasting 2017 began
On 27 February – 15 April 2017 Orthodox Christians are fasting. “Healing time” – so has defined this his Holiness, Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Kirill in his word-farewell.
Kitty Belcanto will introduce children to music and work
Who studied music, he understands how important it is to introduce a child to history and theory of music. Music history and ear training, music genres and musical creativity – all these things should
Nikita Mikhalkov, Alexander Kibovsky, Theatre of cinema actors Theatre
Nikita Mikhalkov headed Theatre
A new milestone in creative career of N.S. Mikhalkov was set on February 20, 2017 – he became the Art director of Theatre of film actors. Meanwhile, it is not his first experience in theater – in 2012
Prize of national music competition will be increased
The fourth and final phase of the II National music competition, taking over the baton from the all-Union music competition, takes place in 2017. It promotes the music education among young Russians, and
Muzeum of International Numismatics Club. Vagit U. Alikperov, Vladimir R. Medinsky Exhibitions
Romanov gold coins are prototype of awards
Museum of International numismatic club in conjunction with the Moscow Kremlin Museums have invited visitors to look at the history of the Romanov dynasty through the prism of numismatics. Exhibition “
В. Бортко, А. Чиповская, А. Чадов. Фильм «О любви» Culture and art
Vladimir Bortko gave a press screening of the film “About love”
On March 23, 2017 in Russian cinemas starts a new picture of the famous Russian film DirectorVladimir Bortko named “About love”. The Director of “Taras Bulba”
Culture and art
1’000 publications on chess will be available on the RSL web-site
14 February 2017 at the Pashkov House in Moscow, owned by the Russian State Library (RSL), it was decided to create an electronic archive of valuable publications written in European languages and devoted to chess .