"Маскарад" Ставропольского театра драмы на сцене Малого театра Theatre
Stavropol Drama Theatre presented two performances at the Maly Theatre
Thanks to the renowned “Maly Theatre of Russia”, the Moscow audience met with Stavropol Drama Theater. “Maly” gave its colleagues the scene for two fine performances: September 3, 2016 a play A.Sumbatova-Ugine “
Открыт Всероссийский конкурс артистов балета и хореографов 2016 Theatre
The all-Russian competition of ballet dancers and choreographers 2016 is opened
Applications for all-Russia competition of ballet dancers and choreographers are accepted till 01 Oct 2016. The contest will be held on 30 October – 04 November 2016 in Moscow, the Moscow State Academic Children’
В Руре в Германии начался триеннале 2016 Theatre
In the Ruhr in Germany began Triennale 2016
From 12 August until 24 September 2016 the Triennale of Ruhr, Germany (Ruhrtriennale) will be held. The Ruhrtriennale will present 200 performances of some 40 productions, including 32 original and co-productions
Мария Федосова, режиссёр Theatre
Play “Running” after Bulgakov in the “Commonwealth of Taganka Actors” and an interview with M. Fedosova
The play “Running”, based on the play by M. A. Bulgakov, was first staged in December 2015. Since then it became one of the favorite productions of the Theater “Commonwealth Taganka Actors”
Марийский государственный театр оперы и балета им. Эрика Сапаева, "Ромео и Джульетта" Theatre
Russia has named the three winners of the theatrical Volkov award
The Russian government encouraged three major theatrical figures of Russia for the contribution to development of theatrical art in 2016.
"Паяцы" Р. Леонкавалло. New Opera World Theatre
Summer lab New World Opera released the first Opera
On June 21-23, 2016 the premiere of “Pagliacci” by R. Leoncavallo (Pagliacci, Ruggero Leoncavallo) took place at Moscow Chamber theater named after B. A. Pokrovsky, which kindly provided its
Балет Донкихот. Солисты парижской Опера Гарнье (Гранд опера) Элоиз Бурдон (Heloise Bourdon) и Жереми-Лу Кер (Jeremy-LoupQuer) Theatre
The Grand Opera soloists took part in the Summer ballet seasons
On July 19, 2016, debut of soloistes of Grand Opera with the Russian classical ballet Oksana Usachevahosted was held. On the stage was given the ballet by Ludwig Minkus “don Quixote”
New Opera World Theatre
Premieres of the operas “Pagliacci” by Leoncavallo and “Eugene Onegin” by Tchaikovsky will be held in the Theater. B. A. Pokrovsky
Singers from 7 countries and instrumentalists from 17 cities of Russia will take part in the premiere of two operas “Pagliacci” by R. Leoncavallo and “Eugene Onegin”
Выставка "Сказочное наследство" Theatre
In the Estate of Shalyapin was opened the exhibition of theatrical costumes
On July 14, 2016 at the Museum-estate of F. I. Chaliapin (Museum of musical culture after M. I. Glinka) was opened the exhibition “fantastic heritage”, dedicated to the history and the present
Театры снова уходят под крыло государства Theatre
Theatres go under the wing of the state again
According to the Ministry of culture of the Russian Federation, “Studio of theater art” (STI) Sergey Zhenovach becomes the Federal theatre, that is, it will move to budget financing.
Марийский театр оперы и балета. Ромео и Джульетта Theatre
Russian ballet seasons go on
The ballets Russes, which opened June 28, 2016, continues. Until August 28, 2016, ballet lovers can enjoy the classical Russian ballet in the best modern productions.
02 июля состоится спектакль «Весёлого Рождества, мама!» в Содружестве актёров Таганки Theatre
On July 02, 2016 was held a performance “Merry Christmas, mom!” in the Commonwealth of Taganka actors
On July 02, 2016 Commonwealth Taganka Actors held a performance “Merry Christmas, mother!”, which was first staged at the theater on April 22, 2015. By genre it belongs to Comedy, although
Марийский театр оперы и балета на Летних балетных сезонах 2016. Зигфрид Theatre
Mari ballet keeps the traditions of Russian ballet
On June 28, 2016 was opened the Summer ballet seasons in Moscow. It was started with one of the best ballet companies in the country – the Mari Opera and ballet “Swan lake”
Н.Н. Губенко на 20-летии Содружества Актёров Таганки (фото А. Штром) Theatre
Interview with Nikolai Nikolaevich Gubenko
Russia National Artist Nikolai Nikolaevich Gubenko was born in 1941 in Odessa (USSR, now Ukraine). After losing parents at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, he was brought up and got the way to
Четыре тоста за победу Н.Н. Губенко Theatre
Four toast for the Great Patriotic War win (after N.N. Gubenko)
On June 22, 2016, in commemoration of the anniversary of the beginning of the Great Patriotic war, at the Theatre of Commonwealth of actors of Taganka was played the spectacle “