How to write an invoice? Economy
How to write an invoice?
Paperless office is a good opportunity for any company, especially for small business startups. E-invoicing (electronic invoicing) enables businessmen to represent business to the customers and trading
EXANTE and SEC: it’s time to become a trader Banks and Credits
EXANTE and SEC: it’s time to become a trader
A trader is a person who trades on the stock exchange and tries to earn profit from trading operations. Traders trade stocks, futures, options as well as other assets on the stock exchange.
Эксперт: если США договорится с РФ по нефти, её цена достигнет до $40 Energy industry
Expert: if the US agrees with Russia, oil price can reach up to $40
Russia, whose budget and social obligations depend on oil prices, is now negotiating with the entire world in order to cooperate during a global crisis caused by a new coronavirus. In particular, our government
Международный эксперт рассказал о кадровых проблемах в РФ Economy
International expert described HR department’s problems in Russia
At the first glance, due to several initiatives of the Ministry of labour in Russia in 2020, life of HR departments should be improved now, and the only problem us lack of human resources due to the deepening demographic crisis.
У России появился шанс для промышленной кооперации с Испанией Economy
More conflict or more cooperation, that is the question. New opportunities for industrial partnerships.
Preface of “E-Vesti”. We draw the attention of our readers to this exclusive article, in which the Advisor for the Basque Government Mr. Angel Landabaso tells our readers about the current
Портал продажи крипловалюты запустил Banks and Credits is a new domain of
2011 was the year of steady growth of popularity of the Russian-speaking exchange BTC-e. When its development reached its peak, the daily turnover of the platform exceeded $60 million.
AEB at IMAF 2016 Cars
International Moscow Automotive Forum will be held on August 22-23
The prestigious annual VIII Moscow international automotive forum (IMAF) will be held on August 22-23, 2017 in “Expocentre” in Moscow. The Association of European Businesses (AEB), which is
Angstrem Market news
Reiman’s factory Angstrem becomes Zelenograd zone resident
According to the press service of the Ministry of economic development of Russia (Mineconomy), on 26 June 2017 the Deputy Minister A. Tsybulsky will present certificates to new residents of technical-innovative
Petr M. Fradkov Economy
Russian Export Center considers e-commerce perspective export tool
In frames of general Russian export promotion, the Russian Export Center (REC) held seminar on March 07, 2017 named «Export by e-commerce channels». It attracted attention of businessmen from all over country.
Игорь Артемьев, руководитель Федеральной антимонопольной службы Economy
FAS stands for comparable and stable pharmaceuticals
“We will try less to deal with cost of drugs, because it is formed outside the country”, – said the Head of the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) Igor Artemyev at a briefing in the Association
Maxim S. Oreshkin, the Minister of Economy Economy
Ministry of economy discussed the development of the country with representatives of Tula
One of the largest enterprises of Tula, “Tulachermet” group “Cox” – on 03 Mar 2017 became a platform for discussion of urgent problems of the Russian economy administered
доходы Macroeconomy
CBR: in the first quarter of 2017, the country’s GDP will grow by 0.4-0.7%
According to the Central Bank of Russia (CBR), “there is the potential to reduce the key rate in the first half of the year”. Due to the fact that the economic situation has improved, while
UAZ Hunter Jungle version. Photo: UAZ Cars
UAZ is going to export up to 20’000 vehicles annually
UAZ is planning to expand geography of sales and production within next 3 years. As the result it will increase export share of sales up to 30%, and push export volumes up to 20’
Photo: The single portal of the budget system of the Russian Federation "The electronic budget" Macroeconomy
The growth of the Russian production amounted to 2.3% in January 2017
According to the Ministry of economic development of Russia, in January of 2017 Russian industrial production rose by +2.3% compared to January 2016. This rise is referred to the extractive industry (+3.
Alexey Miller. Photo: Gazprom Energy industry
Post office of Russia will switch to gas vehicles
Fleet of more than 17’000 vehicles currently in service of “Post office of Russia” will be gradually replaced with running on modern fuels. About it reported a press-service “