Companies news
Vernissage may be a hospitality phenomenon
One of my friends – at that time she was PhD student at History department of Moscow State University – started working in Italian restaurant and told me once, that she loved to serve and to sell food to the people.
Инфраструктура облачных центров обработки данных станет темой бесплатного вебинара Companies news
Infrastructure of cloud data centers will be the topic of a free webinar
Denis Rudakov, it Director, Hoff and Igor Loaf, development Manager of the it Department, Eldorado will tell everyone about the transformation of traditional data centers and integration of private cloud
Rusal. Novokuznetsk factory. Photo: press-service of Rusal Companies news
RUSAL will start the science Festival in Siberia and grow employees
One of the world’s largest producers of aluminium group RUSAL will hold the popular scientific project “RUSAL Festival #Science” in Siberia on 7 to 30 October 2016.
Андрей Шпиленко, к.э.н., директор Ассоциации кластеров и технопарков Companies news
In the Q4 of 2016 will appear a national ranking of technoparks of the Russian Federation
In the fourth quarter of 2016 in Russia the high-tech (or innovative) company will aget the Navigator in the choice of Technopark national technoparks of the Russian Federation. Management companies of
Baсkaldrin Ступино Companies news
The first Austrian investment in the SEZ: the opening of the plant Backaldrin in Russia
On 25 July 2016 was layed the first stone in the base of the plant Baсkaldrin in the Moscow suburb of Stupino, where is the “five-star” special economic zone (SEZ) GDP Stupino Quadrat is placed.
Companies news
Gazprom in 2015 will save resources and reduce environmental damage
The largest, according to RiaRating, company in Russia named Gazprom has made progress in environmental protection and economic efficiency. So, in 2015, the company saved fuel and energy resources in the amount of 7.
Почта России: Почтовые отправления из-за рубежа удвоились за счёт интернет-торговли Companies news
Post of Russia: Post from abroad has doubled due to Internet Commerce
In January-June 2016 the Russian Post processed 98,5 million international merchandise parcels (+105% compared to the same period in 2015). More than 80% of the parcels are purchases of Russians in foreign online stores.
Companies news
Renault-Nissan joined the Global business Council for sustainable development
July 20, 2016, the Renault-Nissan Alliance joined the World Business Council for Sustainable Development. Joining the Council means that the Alliance emphasizes “sustainable development”
Companies news
Nissan became the biggest Mitsubishi shares owner
Japanese auto maker Nissan will take 34% shares of another Japanese automaker – Mitsubishi Motors. This is linked with fuel scandal of the latter. The aquision is estimated at $2.2 bln and the deal will
Японские химические компании делают упор на высококачественную передовую продукцию Companies news
Japanese chemical companies focus on innovative products
According to the research of IHS, Japanese chemical manufacturers focus on innovative chemistry. Japanese goods are always linked in our mind with high technologies, but it was produced together with common chemical products.
Companies news
Peugeot-Citroen unveiled its plans
On April 05, 2016 head of Peugeot-Citroen M.Carlos Tavares represented company’s plan for the nearest years under the name «push to pass”, and also revealed ways of increasing margin.
Companies news
Federal Russian Statistics Office published estimation on current business activities rate
Federal Russian Statistics Office held research of domestic business activities of 3 branches in December 2014: “mining operations”, “Processing”, “Production and distribution