EXANTE and SEC: it’s time to become a trader Banks and Credits
EXANTE and SEC: it’s time to become a trader
A trader is a person who trades on the stock exchange and tries to earn profit from trading operations. Traders trade stocks, futures, options as well as other assets on the stock exchange.
Эксперт: если США договорится с РФ по нефти, её цена достигнет до $40 Energy industry
Expert: if the US agrees with Russia, oil price can reach up to $40
Russia, whose budget and social obligations depend on oil prices, is now negotiating with the entire world in order to cooperate during a global crisis caused by a new coronavirus. In particular, our government
Портал продажи крипловалюты wex.nz запустил wex.ac Banks and Credits
Wex.ac is a new domain of wex.nz
2011 was the year of steady growth of popularity of the Russian-speaking exchange BTC-e. When its development reached its peak, the daily turnover of the platform exceeded $60 million.
AEB at IMAF 2016 Cars
International Moscow Automotive Forum will be held on August 22-23
The prestigious annual VIII Moscow international automotive forum (IMAF) will be held on August 22-23, 2017 in “Expocentre” in Moscow. The Association of European Businesses (AEB), which is
Angstrem Market news
Reiman’s factory Angstrem becomes Zelenograd zone resident
According to the press service of the Ministry of economic development of Russia (Mineconomy), on 26 June 2017 the Deputy Minister A. Tsybulsky will present certificates to new residents of technical-innovative
UAZ Hunter Jungle version. Photo: UAZ Cars
UAZ is going to export up to 20’000 vehicles annually
UAZ is planning to expand geography of sales and production within next 3 years. As the result it will increase export share of sales up to 30%, and push export volumes up to 20’
Alexey Miller. Photo: Gazprom Energy industry
Post office of Russia will switch to gas vehicles
Fleet of more than 17’000 vehicles currently in service of “Post office of Russia” will be gradually replaced with running on modern fuels. About it reported a press-service “
Russian insurance market grew in 2016
Earlier media wrote that the Russian insurance market has lost about a quarter of the companies-players (at the end of December they counted less than 260 companies instead of 330 at the beginning of the year).
Renault Twizy. Photo: Renault Russia Cars
Electric cars will appear in Krasnodar region
Krasnodar region continues to implement the project of electric transport in the South of Russia. Two agreements in this sphere were signed at Russian investment forum in Sochi. One of them will create
Denis Manturov Market news
The Ministry of Industry thinks to resettle Russians in a wooden house
The Ministry of industry and trade of Russia is finalizing the Strategy of timber industry development till 2030. Reliance on well-forgotten old idea – wooden houses will be a new thing in this strategy
Молочные интервенции невыгодны, но будут производиться Agriculture
Dairy intervention are unprofitable now, but will be held later
The Ministry of agriculture, according to its Director of the Department of animal husbandry and breeding N. Aberkhanov recognizes that the ongoing dairy intervention is unprofitable…
Meeting of Russian Ministry of Agriculture. Photo: agromedia.ru Agriculture
Agriculture of Russia in 2017 will receive 75 billion rubles of subsidies
According to the press service of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, on the Russian government meeting it was decided to allocate subsidies to the amount of 75 million rubles for the development of
Mercedes-Benz - leader of premium segment in Europe. Photo: Daimler AG Cars
Automotive market of Europe is growing
Automotive market of Europe is growingSales of new passenger cars and light commercial vehicles in Europe, including Eastern, amounted to 19.5 million vehicles in 2016 year, 4.9% more than in 2015.
Groupe Renault sales figures. Photo: Groupe Renault Cars
Group Renault grows all over the world
Global sales of Group Renault totaled 3.18 million of passenger cars and light commercial vehicles in 2016. It is 13.3% more than in 2015 year. In Europe it sold 1`805`290 vehicles (+11.
New Omnicraft Brand of Ford Motor Company. Photo: Ford Motor Company Cars
Ford Motor Company will earn on servicing of competitors
Ford Motor Company has launched the new brand of high-quality and competitively-priced spare parts – Omnicraft. These replacement parts are designed for all makes of non-Ford vehicles.