Молочные интервенции невыгодны, но будут производиться Agriculture
Dairy intervention are unprofitable now, but will be held later
The Ministry of agriculture, according to its Director of the Department of animal husbandry and breeding N. Aberkhanov recognizes that the ongoing dairy intervention is unprofitable…
Meeting of Russian Ministry of Agriculture. Photo: agromedia.ru Agriculture
Agriculture of Russia in 2017 will receive 75 billion rubles of subsidies
According to the press service of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, on the Russian government meeting it was decided to allocate subsidies to the amount of 75 million rubles for the development of
FAO meeting. Source: FAOnews Agriculture
Global food prices fall during the fifth year, but the Russian prices grow
According to the Russian office of the Food and agriculture organization of the United Nations (FAO), in January-December 2016 FAO Food Price Index (FFPI fell by -1.5% compared to the 2015 level and reached 161.
Alexander Brodovsky at his farm enterprise "Gorchichnaya polyana" Agriculture
A. Brodowsky: “Europe fear that Russia would seriously have biofarming, but this will happen”
The hero of this article – Alexander Brodowski, is well – known in Moscow among lovers of quality country products. For over 10 years this man indulges gourmands of the capital for its meat products and
Global manufacturers of seeds and pesticides are located in Russia and invest in education
Presentation of the Russian market of seeds and plant protection products, together with the largest companies plans, was held at the Association of European Businesses (AEB) on December 21, 2016.
Yves Picquet, Country manager of Bayer CropScience about Monsanto deal Agriculture
The merger of Bayer and Monsanto will allow to promote innovations in the Russian Federation
In September 2016 the world’s media wrote that Bayer and Monsanto have announced the signing of a final agreement on the merger on 14 September 2016. Bayer buys Monsanto. This deal, according to
Agricultural cooperation meeting 2016 Agriculture
Agricultural cooperation is needed, but the question of how to implement it is philosophical
IV all-Russian Congress of agricultural cooperatives was held on November 10, 2016 at the Ministry of agriculture of the Russian Federation, discussing how it is possible to achieve efficiency of agro-industrial
Фосагро-регион считает, что Россия в течение 5-6 лет удвоит потребление удобрений Agriculture
PhosAgro-region believes that Russia in the period of 5-6 years will double the consumption of fertilizers
The Minister of agriculture of Russia A. N. Tkachev in his speech at the exhibition “Golden autumn” 2016 noted that Russia consumes far less fertilizer than in Europe, and of of the targets
Golden autumn exhibition in Moscow, 2016 Agriculture
The Ministry of agriculture of Russia will continue the policy of import substitution and state support of the industry
Agriculture of Russia demonstrated its achievements at the 18-th exhibition “Golden autumn”, held at ENEA in Moscow from 05 to 08 October, 2016 with the support and participation of the Ministry
Bayer + Monsanto Agriculture
Consolidation of global agribusiness goes on
German chemical concern Bayer confirms plans of acquiring Monsanto, the largest producer of genetically modified seeds. The companies signed a corresponding agreement on September 14, 2016.
Правительство РФ ввело нормативы наличия сельхозрынков Agriculture
The Russian government approved the rules and regulations for availability in the retail agricultural markets
The Russian government approved the rules and regulations for availability in the retail agricultural markets. Now every region of the country will be able to calculate the ratio, depending on the number
Вводятся ограничения на госзакупки продуктов питания Agriculture
The Russian government imposes restrictions on procurement of imported food
Starting from 03 September 2016, state, municipal and budgetary establishments of Russia will not be able to purchase imported food products in sufficient quantity produced in Russia and the EAEU member-States
Минсельхоз России дал старт закупочным зерновым интервенциям 2016 Agriculture
The Ministry of agriculture of Russia opened the purchase of ceed intervention
On August 19, 2016 Deputy Director of agriculture in Russian agricultural Ministry Vladimir Volik gave the official start of purchasing interventions in the grain market.
Молодые коровы на ферме ОАО Рузское молоко Agriculture
Ruza milk, Milk river and agriculture of Russia
On August 13, 2016 in Ruza (Moscow region) hosted the festival “Milk river”. For the second year in a row, it contributes to the maintenance of Ruza and Russian traditions, with the support
В. Свеженец в Усманском районе Липецкой обл Agriculture
Financial support for the rural cooperation in Russia will be increased
The Director of the Department of rural territories of the Ministry of agriculture of the Russian Federation V. Svezhenets said that the support of rural cooperation will be increased.