The Russian government is updating the agriculture and develop the agro-industrial complex
A comprehensive discussion of the fate of agro-industrial complex (AIC) of Russia was held in the framework of the forum “Russian field day” in the Altai region. According to the Minister of agriculture A.
Всероссийская сельскохозяйственная перепись Agriculture
All-Russian agricultural census
On July 01, 2016 in Russia started all-Russian agricultural census, which will last until August 15. It is necessary to collect more complete information on the state of agriculture in the country and
Bayer + Monsanto Agriculture
Bayer + Monsanto = global agro leader?
According to press-release of Bayer, Monsanto was offered to sell its shares at $122 each (total deal is estimated at $62 bln). The deal considerable changes the balance of power on the global agro market and that’
Обзор рынка удобрений в 2014 году Agriculture
Fertilizer market overview in 2014
About 2.5 million years ago primitive Stone Age (or in Greek παλαιός λίθος) started, and lasted till about 3’000 years before J.C. On its first stage people were able to feed gifts of nature, to provide gathering.
Франция хочет есть без вреда для здоровья Agriculture
France wants to eat without harm
French media vividly reacted to the government’s commitment to limit harm of chemicals Ségolène Royal, one of key socialist figures, at present French minister of Ecology, declared on June 14, 2015
Russia implements restriction for wheet export from February 01 till June 30, 2015
Russia implements export duty for wheet at 15% plus €7.5, but not less that €35 per ton from February 01, 2015. The above duty will make Russian wheet noncompetitive. Russian Agricultural Ministry explains
Russian Ministry of Agriculture elaborates new interest rate for farming
Ministry of Agriculture offers Ministry of finance to change method of subsidy calculation for credits of locally grown producers, as derivative from key rate of Russian Central Bank (current – 17%), instead of bank rate (8.