
09 June 2016 held a meeting of engineering Committee of Association of European Businesses on the topic of “Trends of machine building market of the first half of 2016)”

On May 25, 2016 in Moscow leaders of road-construction and special vehicles assembled at 5th Russian Conference «SpecAutoTechnika 2016», which was organized by ASM-holding, Russian Union of Auto Makers
The commercial vehicle market is represented by large vehicles (trucks) and light-commercial vehicles, or LCV, and also by bus. According to ASM-holding, 52.25 million vehicles are registered in Russia
Together with the other market segments, the Russian automobile market goes through a bad stretch now. Under the existent conditions, the car manufacturers and their dealers are trying to adjust to a dropped

According to the Association of European Businesses 129’900 new cars were sold in October 2015 in Russia, which is 38.5% less than in October 2014 and 7.7% less than in September 2015.

In 2014 in Russia 1.74 million cars were produced that is 9% lower than a year before. In December 2014 there was an increase in production volume (by 12.7%) compared to November 2014, but in comparison

The forecast of automotive market development in early 2015 was more optimistic than the current situation at the end of September. The Association of European Businesses expected drop in sales by 24.

Economic situation in Russia continues negatively affecting the import of foreign goods. According to the Federal customs service, in January-July 2015 the decrease in total imports amounted to 40% compared
In 2014 auto companies invested $105 bln in R&D. Auto industry takes the third place in the list of the biggests investors to innovations (its share is 16%). It is surpassed by electronics (share

Political context of the auto market development is determined by strategic planning of the state power, as well as by its tactic orders and programms. The authorities, influencing inner economic state

In January-September 2014 in Russia produced 37.6 million tires, tires and tubes (-4.1% in 2013). The major market players continue to: Nizhnekamskshina, Nizhnekamskshina and Altai Tyre Plant.