Итоги развития экономики России в январе-октябре 2015 года Macroeconomy
Results of Russian economy development in January-October 2015
Rosstat has published data on industrial development of Russia in January-October 2015. The index of industrial production for the period amounted to 96.5% of the previous year.
Динамика производства и импорта легковых автомобилей Cars
Dynamics of production and import of passenger cars
In 2014 in Russia 1.74 million cars were produced that is 9% lower than a year before. In December 2014 there was an increase in production volume (by 12.7%) compared to November 2014, but in comparison
Прогноз развития автомобильного рынка Cars
Forecast of automotive market development
The forecast of automotive market development in early 2015 was more optimistic than the current situation at the end of September. The Association of European Businesses expected drop in sales by 24.
Импорт, в том числе автомобилей, идет на спад Cars
Import, i.e. vehicles, is on decline
Economic situation in Russia continues negatively affecting the import of foreign goods. According to the Federal customs service, in January-July 2015 the decrease in total imports amounted to 40% compared
Macroeconomic forecast of the Russian state in 2015
Success of the enterprise activity is determined by generally economy in many respects. State of the economy influence cost of resources and consumer power, opens up conditions for company’
Market news
The aluminium market in Russia and worldwide.
Aluminium (Al) is the most abundant metallic element on the Earth (up to 8.8% of the earth’s crust). It is followed by iron (4.7%) and calcium (3.4%). Despite its high natural occurrence, it was
Обзор рынка удобрений в 2014 году Agriculture
Fertilizer market overview in 2014
About 2.5 million years ago primitive Stone Age (or in Greek παλαιός λίθος) started, and lasted till about 3’000 years before J.C. On its first stage people were able to feed gifts of nature, to provide gathering.
Innovations in auto industry in focus of consumer preferences
In 2014 auto companies invested $105 bln in R&D. Auto industry takes the third place in the list of the biggests investors to innovations (its share is 16%). It is surpassed by electronics (share
Авторынок России в свете политического контекста в 2015 году Cars
Russian auto market in 2015 in view of political context
Political context of the auto market development is determined by strategic planning of the state power, as well as by its tactic orders and programms. The authorities, influencing inner economic state
Кредит Banks and Credits
Latin word “credit” (credere) means to believe, to trust. The second name of creditor or lender is trustier. In our time, it is already difficult to see behind the established credit relations
Во Франции запретили оплату наличными свыше 1'000 евро Banks and Credits
Cash payments over 1’000 Euro are forbidden in France
Starting from September 01, 2015 French consumers, entrepreneurs and companies have not to pay in cash or by electronic money purchasing over 1’000 Euro. The Decree n° 2015-741 dd June 24, 2015 was
Франция хочет есть без вреда для здоровья Agriculture
France wants to eat without harm
French media vividly reacted to the government’s commitment to limit harm of chemicals Ségolène Royal, one of key socialist figures, at present French minister of Ecology, declared on June 14, 2015
В России в 2014 году население выросло на 34'000 человек Macroeconomy
Russian population grew by 34 thousand people in 2014
Russian State Statistics Comitee puplished data of «natural movement of population» in Russia in 2014. Thus, 1’947 thousand people was born, and 1’914 thousand people died in 2014 in Russia.
Росстат опубликовал предварительную оценку численности населения в 2014 году Macroeconomy
Russian Statistics Comittee publushed preliminary statistics on Russian population in 2014
Russian Statistics Committee published preliminary estimation on Russian polpulation at January 01, 2015 . Totally Russian population counted 146’270’033 people, 26% live in country.
Russia implements restriction for wheet export from February 01 till June 30, 2015
Russia implements export duty for wheet at 15% plus €7.5, but not less that €35 per ton from February 01, 2015. The above duty will make Russian wheet noncompetitive. Russian Agricultural Ministry explains