
“The post-turbulence” – so defined the consumer market of Russia in 2016 analysts of Fashion Consulting Group. Behind this concept there is a habit of declining living standards and “

Earlier media wrote that the Russian insurance market has lost about a quarter of the companies-players (at the end of December they counted less than 260 companies instead of 330 at the beginning of the year).

The Federal Tax Service (FTS Russia) is preparing to oblige all businesses to replace old cash registers (CCP) to the new one that can instantly send information about the purchase (law 54-FZ).

Krasnodar region continues to implement the project of electric transport in the South of Russia. Two agreements in this sphere were signed at Russian investment forum in Sochi. One of them will create

The Ministry of industry and trade of Russia is finalizing the Strategy of timber industry development till 2030. Reliance on well-forgotten old idea – wooden houses will be a new thing in this strategy

The Russian investment forum opened in Sochi. Senior officials of Russia and big business representatives joined on 27 Feb – 28 Feb 2017 to discuss the main directions of Russia’
In France, the period of late February is traditionally the time of the conclusion of contracts between large distribution networks and their suppliers. “The price war. Tensions in the negotiations

The Ministry of agriculture, according to its Director of the Department of animal husbandry and breeding N. Aberkhanov recognizes that the ongoing dairy intervention is unprofitable…

On 16 February 2017 at the Association of European businesses (AEB) was held a discussion “Talks on Russian economy”. It was attended by Ruslan Grinberg, head of the research Institute of Economy

Experts talked about the development of Russian banking system, engines of domestic production growth, and discussed project of equity financing of business in Russian Public Chamber on February 14, 2017.

One of my friends – at that time she was PhD student at History department of Moscow State University – started working in Italian restaurant and told me once, that she loved to serve and to sell food to the people.

At the third Russian-Slovenian business meeting “Looking to the future: new opportunities for cooperation with Europe” held on 10 February 2017 in Moscow, were signed 14 business contracts

«Growth is slowly, but definately returning», – defined the current economic situation in our country the economist Jacques Sapir, Professor of the graduate School of Research in Social Sciences

A new approach to waste recycling, implemented by the government of Russia, will affect all of us. The basis of this approach is a responsible attitude to the problem of businesses and residents, or, in

In Russia there are good preconditions for economic growth, it is noted by leading experts gathered on 31 January 2017 in the Association of European Businesses (AEB) at the meeting entitled “