Минэкономразвития ожидает слабый рост промышленного производства Market news
The Ministry of Economy expects weak growth in industrial production
By the end of 2016, the Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation expects +0.4% growth in industrial production and -2.0% decline in the volume of communication services.
Gabriel Di Bella in AEB Russia in 2016 Economy
The head of the International Monetary Fund in Russia told about the Russian economy
Sixth annual meeting of the European Business Association with the Head of the permanent mission of the International Monetary Fund Gabriel Di Bella was held on November 02, 2016. Mr.
Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of Russia V. Evtukhov. Photo: press-service of Minpromtorg Market news
Forest complex will be developed on the basis of cluster approach
Timber industry, which is actively developing at the present and uses the support of the government of Russia, has prospects for growth through substitution of finished products imports that require deep processing.
Altai presentation at AEB Russia Economy
Altai is waiting for good investment projects
Investment potential of the Altai territory became the subject of discussion in the Association of European Businesses visited by the delegation of the region headed by Governor Alexander Karlin.
Frank Schauff, SEO of AEB Economy
Innovative cooperation between Russia and Europe continues
Russia, the Eurasian Union and Europe continue cooperation in the field of innovation. The Foundation Recongress, and the Italian Association Know Eurasia held the V Eurasian forum with key topic “
Russia Talk, the British-Russian business forum Economy
A British Prince Michael of Kent will launch a new enterprise in Russia
On October, 26, 2016 the Chamber of Commerce and industry (CCI) of the Russian Federation hosted the Russian-British investment forum Russia Talk. The main topic of the event was the future of the Russian-British
V. Bulavin. Head of Federal Custom Service. Photo of FCS press-center Economy
Federal Customs Service exceeded the plan of receipts in the budget
During a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, the head of the Customs Service V. Bulavin told about results of department work for the first 9 months of 2016 and plans for improving customs procedures.
30th meeting of the Foreign Investment Advisory Council in Russia. Photo - government.ru Economy
Mitsui will develop new forms of energy in the far East
The 30th meeting of the Consultative Council on foreign investments in Russia took place on October 17, 2016 in Gorki. The result of the meeting of the Council came the proposals for multiple units, including
Lesdrevmash 2016 exhibition. Photo: press-service of Minpromtorg Market news
By 2030, the added cost of a cubic meter of wood will increase 2.5 times in Russia
Russia is the largest forest state of the planet – there are almost 25% of world reserves of timber on its territory. However, their valuation is significantly higher than the estimate for oil and
Symbol of the company Dalenergostroy Vostok. Photo - minvostokrazvitia.ru Economy
The Eastern companies will invest in the Far East
Minister of the Russian Federation on the development of the Far East A. Galushka told about how a state program of socio-economic development of this region is implementing , which will last until 2025.
Rosautodealer-2016 Cars
Forum of Russian car dealers has put urgent questions for a number of markets
Representatives of the government and the business community, which determine the development of the national automotive market of Russia, took part in the annual trade forum Rosavtodealer held on October 20-21, 2016.
Газпром. Фото: пресс-служба Газпром Energy industry
Gazprom still believes shale gas is an unprofitable project
“Works in the field of gas shale are inappropriate” – such conclusion made the participants of the meeting at “Gazprom” on October 18, 2016, so says the press release of the company. “
Government is focusing on markets of mortgages and rental housing. Market news
The government puts things in order in housing
The meeting of the Presidium of the presidential Council of the Russian Federation for strategic development and priority projects took place on 19 Oct 2016 in Gorki (Moscow region).
Victor L. Evtuhov, State Secretary – Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of Russia Market news
In Ivanovo region polyester plant will be launched soon
Viktor Evtukhov (State Secretary – Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of Russia) shared some aspects of the development of light industry of Russia and the measures of state support of the industry
Russian budget of 2017-2019 is almost ready Macroeconomy
Russian budget in 2017-2019 – What’s new?
The Russian government approved the draft of the federal budget for the 2017-2019. With that, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of economic development were tasked to clarify some provisions of