
The Ministry of Education and science of the Russian Federation is reforming the education system in the country. Looking at their activities, we pay attention to the areas in which the country requires scientific thought.

Despite of difficult political relationships of Russia and UK, they will run a Year of Education and Science of the UK and Russia in 2017. It will be a continuation of the Year of Language and Literature

According to the press service of St. Petersburg University (SPBU), on 17 January 2017 it provided the first candidate thesis defense according to the rules of the University, which received the right

Scientists of the Moscow State University (MSU), together with colleagues from the Russian state humanitarian University found that the use of symbolic visual tools allows children of preschool and younger

On December 08, 2016 at the opening of the II all-Russian forum “the national system of qualifications in Russia” the Minister of education and science Olga Vasilieva announced that one of

Graduate school of business of Lomonosov Moscow state University (GSBA MSU) is recognized as one of the best business schools in the world (in Top 100) and as one of the best business schools in Eastern

British consulting specializing in the field of education company Quacquarelli Symonds published a ranking of universities about graduates’ employment. It includes 300 leading universities in the world.

The all-Russian choral society, reconstituted on 15 February 2013, is in the process to achieve the target set by Vladimir Putin: every region of Russia have to create 1’000-voice children’

In November 2016 the Russian State Library of Foreign Literature named after M. I. Rudomino and a British education company Pearson have agreed to establish an educational center Pearson Space in the library.

In December 2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin gave a number of instructions aimed at improving the situation in the human resources industry of the Russian workers and engineers of the new generation.

In 2010, the Russian government launched a new project, the goal of which was return of the emigrated Russian scientists to the country and the creation of conditions for arrival of foreign experts.

More than 100 rectors participated on 06 October 2016 in the VI Forum of rectors of Russian and Japanese universities named “Universities and society: science and education in the modern world”

According to the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation, 1’200 children will be trained in child Technopark “Kvantorium” at Technopolis “

Times Higher Education (THE) published the international rating of universities in 2016-2017 on September 21, 2016. TOP10 contains universities of three countries – USA, UK and Switzerland.

In 2009 the program of financing of the Russian science was launched, and the mega-grants in the amount of 30 billion rubles were provided for scientific research. The program stays active utill 2020.