Ligue 1 results on the 777score website Hobby
Ligue 1 results on the 777score website
Today, modern technologies have made it possible to follow the development of events of football matches using a mobile phone.
«Вкус Франции» прошел в ресторанах России 21 марта Hobby
“Taste of France” took place in restaurants of Russia on March 21
The idea of “Epicurean dinners,” born in France in 1912, found a solution in the gastronomic event Goût de France that gathers connoisseurs of French cuisine. In the thought of the founder
Cake of Aldis Brichevs Hobby
King’s cakes today worth millions of rubles, and several master confectioners can make it
Man is by nature a gourmand. Some people prefer to eat fruits, some eat nuts, some eat delicious desserts… The latter does not grow on trees and bushes, they are the product of many efforts and financial
Falconry - past and present of modern East and European elite Hobby
Falconry represents the past and present modern East and European elite
Those people who have the opportunity to take a hunting trip accross Russia, or Eastern counties, or visit shows with birds in France, Germany, Austria… you know how exciting it is and, at the same
Как приготовить гуся Hobby
How to cook a goose
Winter – it’s time for cooking delicious fat bird with unique taste. If you are lucky enough to get a good home goose – so you can cook at least 3 hearty meals for 6 people each with it.
Roast turkey. Photo - Hobby
Roast turkey following a recipe of Elena Molokhovets
November has come, Christmas and the New Year are near. In the times of old Russia, turkey was a traditional dish on Christmas, and we offer you a simple and delicious recipe for roast turkey.
Pumkin cookies. Photo - Jamie's Italian (restaurant in Moscow) Hobby
Cooking pumkin a la russe
Those who have a house in the country, often don’t know what to do with the abundant harvest of pumpkins, grown in the garden in the fall. If you have a stockpile of pumpkins that you want to use
Wheretoeat premium 2016 was awarded in Moscow Hobby
Became known the best restaurants of Moscow in 2016
Wheretoeat award presented a ranking of the best restaurants of Moscow, at the choice of the professionals of the restaurant industry, observers and hoteliers, on October 25, 2016 in the press center TASS.
Wheretoeat - 2015 awards ceremony Hobby
Best restaurants lists will be made in Moscow and St.-Petersburg
On September 1, 2016 in St. Petersburg and on August, 1 in Moscow the first stage of Wheretoeat restaurant awards were launched. This award is an annual rating of restaurants, compiled by the professional
The art of roasting coffee from Torrefacto
Coffee is the favorite drink in many countries, including Russia. It has healthy properties and is particularly indicated for people with low blood pressure. But it refers to organic coffee that is hard
Рецепт засолки беломорской сельди Hobby
Recipe pickling white sea herring
On June 11, 2016 company LavkaLavka gave another feast of gourmet healthy and delicious food, namely fish. Works of culinary art were represented to Russian and foreign public by their creator Maxim Kurbatov.
Бланманже – полузабытый десерт Hobby
Blanc-mange – half-forgotten dessert
Blanc-mange – is creation of French cousine, which derives from two French words – white (blanc) and eating (mange). In its substance it is white jelly, prepared on the basis of gelatin, milk / cream and