Оружие. Детские игрушки. Ратникъ. Home and beauty
Parenting of masculinity among children
It is well-known that the traits of character come from childhood. It is known that the foundations of human nature are set in childhood. The formation of the male character traits is the most important
Рецепт засолки беломорской сельди Hobby
Recipe pickling white sea herring
On June 11, 2016 company LavkaLavka gave another feast of gourmet healthy and delicious food, namely fish. Works of culinary art were represented to Russian and foreign public by their creator Maxim Kurbatov.
О традиционном, но современном Доме Русской Одежды Fashion
About traditional but actual Russian fashion house
Russian people, who made great contribution to world culture everywhere, do have something to pass from generation to generation. Nevertheless, we do not follow our traditions. Cultural, ideal and real
Бланманже – полузабытый десерт Hobby
Blanc-mange – half-forgotten dessert
Blanc-mange – is creation of French cousine, which derives from two French words – white (blanc) and eating (mange). In its substance it is white jelly, prepared on the basis of gelatin, milk / cream and
В апреле 2014 года в Москве и в мае 2015 года в Подольске состоится показ Дома Русской Одежды Fashion
On April 15, 2015 in Moscow and in May 2015 in Podolsk fashion show of Russian Garment House will be held
In April 2015 at 18:00 in Moscow (Vetkina street, 4) and then in May 2015 in Podolsk (Moscow region) Russian Garment House of Valentina Averianova will hold Russian Garment House fasion shows.
Больше половины российских школьников проводят в интернете круглые сутки Home and beauty
More than half of Russian schoolchildren spend all day long in Internet
According to research of ESET company, 53% respondents informed, that in their families schoolchildren are always online (at home or at school); 22% use Internet after homework; 9% use Internet for work only.