The State Duma adopted the draft budget on 2017: social spending are increasing, on defense – reducing
On December 9, 2016 State Duma adopted Russian draft state budget in the final reading for the next period. Unlike 2015, when the state budget was approved for one year only, this time the Ministry of
Authentic Radicalism Los-Angeles NotJustaLabel Fashion
Authentic Radicalism – the first event of Not Just a Label in Los Angeles
On December 13, 2016 at 22:00 Moscow time (11:00 PST) in Los Angeles a fashion show of young designers Authentic Radicalism will start, which is held by Not Just a Label (NJAL).
Roman Mints. Photo: Karina Gradusova Music
The aesthetics of sadness will be played in January 2017 at the Moscow Conservatory
09-15 January 2017 at the Conservatory will take place the 20th “Vozvraschenie” festival. This means four concerts (09, 11, 13, 15 Jan) in the format of all-stars show “
Micromorphology bacterial strain Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis under the light microscope (magnification of 1000 times). Image of Lidia Stoyanova Natural science
Milk of Buryat cows can help in the treatment of nosocomial infections after transplantation
The scientists of biological faculty of Moscow State University have discovered a new strain of lactic acid bacteria, known as Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis 194. In perspective this bacterium can be
Openning of Sergey Prokofiev monument, Mikhail A. Bryzgalov Culture and art
Prokofiev year ended with the construction of the monument in front of its Museum in Moscow
The monument to S. Prokofiev was opened in front of the house-Museum of the composer in Kamergersky lane in Moscow on 11 December 2016. According to Deputy Minister of culture of the Russian Federation
A.V. Shusev, M.V. Nesterov, The Deesis, Photo: E.A.Bogatyreva Exhibitions
Sketches of the domestic paintings at the Tretyakov gallery recreate the interiors of the past
Exhibition dedicated to the wall paintings opened in the graphics halls of the Tretyakov gallery, entitled “Sketches of monumental murals of the XIX – early XX century”.
Венский квартет Яношка сыграл в Москве впервые Music
Vienna Quartet Janoshka played in Moscow for the first time
Quartet from Austria gave a concert November 9, 2016 in the Grand Hall of the Moscow Conservatory. The Vienna team Janoska introduced improvisation on classic songs from the new album “Janoska Style”
Media review
The European Union intends to extend sanctions against Russia, and would like to aggravate them
According to reports coming to Reuters from the diplomatic community and officials, it is planned to extend by six months sanctions imposed on Russia over the conflict in Ukraine after a meeting in Brussels
In Russian colleges will be put sample exams and mentors will be kept
On December 08, 2016 at the opening of the II all-Russian forum “the national system of qualifications in Russia” the Minister of education and science Olga Vasilieva announced that one of
Money Macroeconomy
Welfare of Russians will increase – the fall of incomes ended
In late November 2016, the Russian government began to talk about the fact that decline in incomes of Russians ended, finally. In particular, it was stated by First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov
Emil Gilels. Photo: press-service of Moscow Nights Music
The 100th aniversary from the birth of Emil Gilels will be celebrated in the Moscow conservatory by his colleagues
October 2016 marked 100 years since the birth of pianist Emil Grigoryevich Gilels. The famous contemporary pianists will gather to honor his memory in the Grand hall of the Moscow Conservatory on December 12, 2016.
Graduate school of management campus. Photo: Education
Graduate school of business and Graduate School of management was named the best business schools of the Russian Federation
Graduate school of business of Lomonosov Moscow state University (GSBA MSU) is recognized as one of the best business schools in the world (in Top 100) and as one of the best business schools in Eastern
Janoshka represents new disc in Moscow Music
The New Year’s miracle of the Janoska ensemble will come to Moscow
On December 9, 2016 the works of classical music will be performed in an unusual, improvised performance in the Great hall of the Moscow Conservatory. The Janoska ensemble from Austria will perform their
Mintrud. International seminar «Overcoming skills and qualifications mismatch of perspective labour market requirements» Russia
The national system of professional qualifications will improve the quality of the Russian workforce
Russia is currently in a difficult situation on the demography and deficiency of skilled personnel. Lubov Eltsova, Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation reported that
Pilote le Hot at Post-Babel Condition 2016 Lectures
International festival of poets united different languages and opposite genres
On 02-04 December 2016 in the framework of the book fair “non/fiction” in Russia took place the international literary festival of a new type called Post-Babel Condition”