
“Visit Russia” project is being actively developed. It is forming network of marketing offices, promoting Russian tourism product abroad. Its main purpose is to create a positive Russian tourist image

The Russian government intends to sell 19.5% stake of Rosneftegaz in Rosneft till December 05, 2016, and “not later than December 31, 2016, the money should be transferred to the budget of the Russian

November has come, Christmas and the New Year are near. In the times of old Russia, turkey was a traditional dish on Christmas, and we offer you a simple and delicious recipe for roast turkey.

The government has identified tasks to the ministries involved in the development of innovations in Russia (the Protocol of the Russian government No. 5 d.d. October 2016). Support to growth of innovation

By the end of 2016, the Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation expects +0.4% growth in industrial production and -2.0% decline in the volume of communication services.

The memory of St. Prince Vladimir (ruled Kiev Rus in 980-1015) was immortalized on 04 Nov 2016 by powerful monument on the Borovitskaya square in Moscow. The author of the monument is a people’

Sixth annual meeting of the European Business Association with the Head of the permanent mission of the International Monetary Fund Gabriel Di Bella was held on November 02, 2016. Mr.

The winners of “all-Russian competition of ballet dancers and choreographers” were called on November 3, 2016. 60% of prizes won by students and graduates of the Moscow schools.

Two exhibitions were opened in the Tretyakov gallery on 01 November 2016. The first one is dedicated to a triptych by M. Scotti (1851), which raises in consciousness K. Minin and Prince D.

Timber industry, which is actively developing at the present and uses the support of the government of Russia, has prospects for growth through substitution of finished products imports that require deep processing.

Since the signing of the agreement on strategic partnership between Russia and China has already passed 15 years. Within the partnership there have been done many important measures aimed at its development.

Currently, in Russia and in the world there is a new approach to psychotherapy taking into account modern challenges and scientific discoveries. Conference “Mental health: social, clinical, organizational

Those who have a house in the country, often don’t know what to do with the abundant harvest of pumpkins, grown in the garden in the fall. If you have a stockpile of pumpkins that you want to use

23 restaurants of Ginza Project holding have been certified according to China Friendly standard in St.-Petersburg. The following restaurants have joined China Friendly: Jamie’

The Golitsyn estate in Moscow, on Volkhonka 14 (Museum town of Pushkin Fine Art Museum) introduces visitors to modern “new language” of art on 28 October 2016 to 31 March 2017.