Газпром. Фото: пресс-служба Газпром Energy industry
Gazprom still believes shale gas is an unprofitable project
“Works in the field of gas shale are inappropriate” – such conclusion made the participants of the meeting at “Gazprom” on October 18, 2016, so says the press release of the company. “
Government is focusing on markets of mortgages and rental housing. Market news
The government puts things in order in housing
The meeting of the Presidium of the presidential Council of the Russian Federation for strategic development and priority projects took place on 19 Oct 2016 in Gorki (Moscow region).
Music of Earth festival in Moscow 2016 Music
Music of the Earth returned listeners to folk music
Festival “Music of the Earth” – an unique project, combining ethnic, folk music with classical, the second year it is held in Russia. It was attended by teams working with different styles –
Victor L. Evtuhov, State Secretary – Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of Russia Market news
In Ivanovo region polyester plant will be launched soon
Viktor Evtukhov (State Secretary – Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of Russia) shared some aspects of the development of light industry of Russia and the measures of state support of the industry
Concert poster Music
The chamber orchestra will play works of Mozart in the Great hall of the Moscow Conservatory
On October 20, 2016 in the Grand hall of the Moscow Conservatory will pass a concert of the Chamber orchestra of the Moscow Conservatory named “Mozart. The 260th anniversary of the birth”.
Alfred Dubucand, "Hunting ostrich in Sahara" Exhibitions
Autumn Antique salon organized a pavilion for hunters
On October, 15-23, 2016 the Moscow Central House of artists with the support of the Ministry of culture hosts the 41st Antiquarian salon. The autumn salon has been eagerly awaited by the vintage luxury
Московский государственный симфонический оркестр для детей и юношества. Фото: mgso-msk.ru Music
In the Great hall of the Moscow Conservatory will be a concert of Masterpieces of foreign music
On October 23, 2016 in the Grand Hall of the Moscow Conservatory it will host a concert of the Moscow State Symphony Orchestra for Children and Youth “Masterpieces of foreign music.”
Anna Netrebko and Yusif Eyvazov Music
Anna Netrebko will sing in Manon Lescaut at the Bolshoi theatre
Today, Anna Netrebko debuts at the Bolshoi theatre together with her husband Yusif Eyvazov. She will take part in the premiere of “Manon Lescaut” staged by Adolf Shapiro on October, 16-23, 2016.
Russian budget of 2017-2019 is almost ready Macroeconomy
Russian budget in 2017-2019 – What’s new?
The Russian government approved the draft of the federal budget for the 2017-2019. With that, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of economic development were tasked to clarify some provisions of
День памяти Лермонтова – повод открыть для себя новое о поэте Museums
Day of Lermontov memory is a reason to discover new things about the poet
On October 15, 1814, was born a man who lived 26 years only, but flashed like a bright star on the horizon of the Russian culture. Mikhail Lermontov became the second after A. S. Pushkin in poets’ range
Pretty Yende in the role of Lucia. Photo source - operadeparis.fr Theatre
A South African actress became the soloist in Lucia di Lammermoor opera
On October, 14, 2016 a premiere of this season, a tragic opera “Lucia di Lammermoor” took place at the Paris Opera. The role of Lucia plays a South African actress Pretty Yende in the production by Andrei Serban.
Viktoriya Abramchenko. Photo - fedpress.ru Russia
The new head of Rosreestr will reduce the number of visits to the service
On October, 11, 2016 Victoria Abramchenko was appointed to a new post combining the functions of the head of the Federal service for state registration, cadastre and cartography (Rosreestr) and the Deputy
Our class by Tadeusz Slobodzianek at Vakhtangov Theatre in Moscow Theatre
Vakhtangov Theatre shows the premiere of Our class. History in 14 lessons
On October 14, 2016 premiere of the play “Our Class. History in 14 lessons” will take place in the Vakhtangov Theater. It is based on the play of Tadeusz Słobodzianek and supported by Polish
X-ray photoelectron spectrum of valence electrons of the surface of single-crystal films of UO2. Picture of MSU Natural science
MSU chemists have learned to accurately determine the oxygen ratio of the uranium complex oxides
Chemists of Moscow state University under the leadership of Professor Yuri Teterin, together with Russian and British colleagues, have developed a new method to determine the oxygen ratio of the uranium complex oxides.
Nicolaes Maes. The Eavesdropper Exhibitions
Minor Dutch artists at Pushkin Museum will alive the Netherlands of the seventeenth century
11 Oct 2016 – 10 Jan 2017 in the Pushkin Museum of Fine Art in Moscow exhibition of “small Dutch” painting (Holland XVII century) is held. Works on household items is combined with arts and crafts of the era.