Russian media
Russian media: news from the Investment forum
According to the Russian media, today in Moscow an investment forum “Russia calling” is held, where the important statements and experts’ forecasts on the budget for 2017-2019, about
Sport activities. Photo: Evgeniy Klindukhov Russia
40% of Russians are planned to go in for sport
Vladimir Putin held a Meeting of the Council for development of physical culture and sports on 11 Oct 2016 in Kovrov (Vladimir region). At the event the issues of physical education of the population and
Sergey Katyrin, Russian Trade Chamber. Photo: Russian Trade Chamber press-service Russia
Fair will be held at the BRICS summit
A summit of the BRICS countries (abbr. from Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) that year after year strengthen your Union will take place on October 12-16, 2016 in Goa (India).
Российские СМИ: улучшение отношений с Турцией, прогноз роста ВВП и реакция на допинговую историю нашей сборной Russian media
Russian media: improving relations with Turkey, GDP growth forecast and response to doping issue of our Olympic team
The main themes of Russian media were: the story of the canceled Putin’s visit to Paris and stopped sales and production of the new Samsung Galaxy Note 7 smartphone due to the spontaneous combustion.
Alexey Miller. Photo: Gazprom Energy industry
Turkish stream is agreed with Turkey in writing
10 Oct 2016 in Istanbul the governments of the Russian Federation and Turkey signed an agreement on the project “Turkish stream.” This agreement provides for the creation of pipeline that will
The meeting of the Presidium of the Presidential Council for strategic development and priority projects. Photo - Russia
Russian government will subsidize development of regions
The main aim of the new project policy of the Russian government is to create a plan for the development of the Russian Federation that would ensure a good balance between all processes: volume of work
Media review
Foreign media: Growth of consumption in China, Paris Agreement, Women in Finance
Foreign newspapers write about Russia. First of all, that our country “made friends” with Turkey again and signed an agreement on Turkish Stream. French media sneer on the planned visit of
Alexander Raevsky. Photo: Education
Cooperation between Russian and Japanese science is strengthened
More than 100 rectors participated on 06 October 2016 in the VI Forum of rectors of Russian and Japanese universities named “Universities and society: science and education in the modern world”
Город Минск. Photo - Belorussia
Belarus economy shows a gradual decrease
According to the National statistics Committee, in January-August 2016 the GDP of the Republic of Belarus amounted to 60.8 billion Belarusian rubles (31.8 billion USD), which is by 3% less compared to
S. Pyatikhatka, Executive Director of Visit Russia association, Photo: Visit Russia Travel
Chinese tourists prefer the Amber room in Tsarskoye Selo
Tourists from people’s Republic of China (PRC), which got the opportunity to travel to Russia without visas in the framework of cooperation between Russia and China, choose our country as a place
Российские СМИ: Перетасовка высших госкадров, стабилизация цен на нефть и климатические налоги Russian media
Russian media: shuffle of top state managers, stabilization of oil prices and climate taxes
The main themes of Russian media were: the story of the canceled Putin’s visit to Paris and stopped sales and production of the new Samsung Galaxy Note 7 smartphone due to the spontaneous combustion.
Фосагро-регион считает, что Россия в течение 5-6 лет удвоит потребление удобрений Agriculture
PhosAgro-region believes that Russia in the period of 5-6 years will double the consumption of fertilizers
The Minister of agriculture of Russia A. N. Tkachev in his speech at the exhibition “Golden autumn” 2016 noted that Russia consumes far less fertilizer than in Europe, and of of the targets
49 лет назад был убит Че Гевара History
49 years ago Che Guevara was killed
Ernesto Rafael Guevara de la Serna, better known as Che Guevara, was killed on October 09, 1957 in Bolivia, where, according to official data, he went to administer the world revolution.
Зарубежные СМИ: «Скелеты в шкафах» Д.Трампа и Х.Клинтон, шумная операция в Германии, и референдумы Н. Саркози Media review
Foreign media: “Skeleton in the cupboard” of D. Trump and H. Clinton, loud operation in Germany, and referendums of N. Sarkozy
European and American media are discussing three main topics: an election struggle of H. Clinton and D. Trump by compromising materials; anti-terrorist operation in Germany. In the framework of election
Golden autumn exhibition in Moscow, 2016 Agriculture
The Ministry of agriculture of Russia will continue the policy of import substitution and state support of the industry
Agriculture of Russia demonstrated its achievements at the 18-th exhibition “Golden autumn”, held at ENEA in Moscow from 05 to 08 October, 2016 with the support and participation of the Ministry