Gazprom project on Sakhalin island. Photo Gazprom News
Gazprom is investing in new projects
Gazprom is actively investing in the creation of new and development of existing facilities for the production and processing of natural gas, and the projects are implemented according to the planned schedules.
Albert Marquet. Vesuvius Exhibitions
Albert Marquet will give new view on French painting
On September 27 – January 08, 2016 at Poushkine Fine Art Museum in Moscow exhibition of curious French painter Albert Marquet. He is amazing because he discovers us one more, relatively unknown segment
Roads in regions Russia
Safe and high-quality roads will appear in Russian regions
“Safe and high-quality roads” strategic project will fit 50% of regional roads in populous regions to the regulatory requirements by 2018 year and 85% of them to the proper state by 2025 year.
В. Путин. Фото: Пресс-служба Президента РФ Russia
The government will increase small business by 10% by 2018
The government outlined the purpose of support small and individual entrepreneurship is the increasing number of small businesses by 10% growth in the number of workers employed in these regions, up to
Russian-Chinese tourism conference Travel
The flow of Chinese tourists increased and required the training of guides and better infrastructure
On September, 26 2016 Moscow hosted a conference devoted to the Russian-Chinese tourism, the organizers were the Tourism association “World without borders” and the Russian-Chinese Committee
Healthcare Ministry, World Health Organization Russia
Achievements of domestic healthcare system in Russia and abroad
September 22, 2016, Health Minister Veronika Skvortsova spoke about the success domestic healthcare system within the country and abroad.
THE World University Rankings, 5-100 programme Education
11 more Russian universities entered THE World University Rankings
Times Higher Education (THE) published the international rating of universities in 2016-2017 on September 21, 2016. TOP10 contains universities of three countries – USA, UK and Switzerland.
Science of the future. Mega-grants. Education
Russian science’s funding is underway
In 2009 the program of financing of the Russian science was launched, and the mega-grants in the amount of 30 billion rubles were provided for scientific research. The program stays active utill 2020.
Международный фестиваль балета проходит под русскими фамилиями Culture and art
International ballet festival is held under Russian names
International ballet festival is held at the Kremlin palace from 22 to 29 September 2016. Already for the 5th time on the stage of the State Kremlin Palace will be held performances of famous Russian theatre “
Russian forum of collectioners 2016 Exhibitions
The Russian collector’s forum recalled the importance of the memory of generations
The Russian Forum of Collectors is held in the Central house of artist in Moscow on September 21-25, 2016. The event is supported by Ministry of culture of the Russian Federation and the government of Moscow.
Moscow Philharmonia, abonnement 2016 Music
Opening of the new season in the Moscow Philharmonic
On September 21, 2016 in the building of the Moscow Philharmonic a press conference with its general director Alexei Shalashov held. He introduced a new season ticket program of concert season 2016/2017
Презентация проекта "Великий Волжский путь" Travel
“Great Volga Way” presented in the Ministry of Culture of Russia
On September, 20 a new tourism project “Great Volga way” was presented in the Ministry of culture of the Russian Federation. The project brings together the historical and cultural monuments
Дж. Пиранези в Пушкинском музее расскажет об Италии и истоках русской архитектуры Exhibitions
G.B. Piranesi in the Pushkin Museum will tell about Italy and the origins of Russian architecture
Exhibition of Giovanni Battista Piranesi is held in the Museum of Fine arts of A. S. Pushkin on 20 Sep 2016 – 13 November 2016. Piranesi was an Italian man of culture, whose activities are multifaceted
Industrial Development Fund Economy
The industry development Fund will allocate 1 billion for development projects in the regions
Industrial Development Fund continues to support the creation and modernization of import-substituting industries in Russia. At this time, soft loans under the program “Development Projects”
Ultrafast Faraday Rotation. Image of Tatyana Dolgova Natural science
Another step towards photonic computers
Physics of Moscow State University in cooperation with Japanese colleagues from Toyohashi University of Technology have created a new method of ultrafast control of rotation the polarization of light.