Состояние лёгкой промышленности РФ Market news
State of light industry in Russia
Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade, Viktor Evtukhov described the state of Russian light industry in an interview for “Russia 24” channel. Light industry occupies 0.9% of Russia’
Правительство РФ ввело нормативы наличия сельхозрынков Agriculture
The Russian government approved the rules and regulations for availability in the retail agricultural markets
The Russian government approved the rules and regulations for availability in the retail agricultural markets. Now every region of the country will be able to calculate the ratio, depending on the number
Rosstandart has signed the memorandums on standartization with China and Brazil
At the 39th General Assembly of the International organization for standardization (ISO) in Beijing, the head of Rosstandart Alexey Abramov signed the Memorandums of understanding on cooperation in the
The exposition of Valery Koshlyakov “Elisions”opened in The Museum of Russian Impressionism
From 10 September to 27 November 2016 an exhibition of works by Valery Koshlyakov “Elisions” will host in the Museum of Russian Impressionism. The artist works with a combination of traditional
The museums of Moscow Kremlin open a new season
This year, the lectures will be held in the new lecture hall on Manezhnaya street, 7, located outside the Kremlin walls, which is more convenient for the participants. The first lecture of this season
The square of Pushkin Museum will increase two fold
On September, 9 the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts (GMII) hosted the foundation stone laying ceremony of a depositary of museum pieces. The event was attended by the Chairman of the state Duma Sergei
Pushkin Fine Art Museum Museums
Pushkin Fine Art Musem launched virtual exposition
In addition to more than 100 Russian virtual museums, available for free access in the Internet, we’ve got new VR-project of Pushkin Fine Art Museum.
В 2024-2026 гг несырьевой экспорт России удвоится к объёмам 2016 года Economy
In 2024-2026 non-raw material exports of Russia will double comparing 2016
“Till 2024-2026 year we plan to double non-raw material exports (in USD). The task is ambitious, but achievable”, – said Alexei Likhachev, first Deputy Minister of economic development of Russia
V. Fedoseev. Big Symphony Orchestra of Russia Music
Vladimir Ivanovich Fedoseyev: classics is undying music
6 Sep 2016 Grand Symphony orchestra after Tchaikovsky made a performance at MGIMO (Moscow Institute of International relations), playing for professors and students of the Institute the two serenades — “
Обзор лекций и экскурсий для взрослых в Третьяковской Галерее в сентябре-октябре 2016 года Lectures
Review of lectures and excursions for adults at the Tretyakov Gallery in September-October 2016
In September-October 2016 everyone will traditionally have the opportunity to learn about Russian art, to understand it and to find out the latest news on art in the Tretyakov Gallery.
Presentation of the Raphael. Poetry image exhibition
From 13 September to 11 December 2016 at the Pushkin Museum works of Raphael will be shown. Exhibition of the great Italian painter will be held in Russia for the first time. Pictorial and graphic works
Открытие сезона 2016/17 в Московской консерватории им. П.И. Чайковского Music
An overview of the repertoire of the Moscow Conservatory in September 2016
In September 2016 in the Moscow Conservatoire after P. Tchaikovsky (MC) will take place a series of programs and events that will interest many people despite their professional education.
"Восточное кольцо России" объединит туристический и природный потенциал регионов Дальнего Востока News
The “Eastern Ring of Russia” will bring together the tourist and natural potentials of the Far East
In the framework of the second Eastern economic forum the Ministry of culture and the governors of 12 regions of Siberia and the Far East signed an agreement on a joint implementation of a project “
Выставка японских гравюр в Амстердаме Exhibitions
Exhibition of Japanese prints in Amsterdam
In the Dutch Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam from 24 June to 11 September 2016, an exhibition of Japanese prints from the collection of Alice Wessel (Wessel Elise) – shows 170 works.
Артефакты с места раскопок. Фото Министерства Культуры РФ History
Archeological excavations on Kara-Tau
In July 2016, with the support of the Ministry of culture in Belogorskiy district of the Republic of Crimea the rescue archaeological excavations began of an ancient sanctuary located on the Northern side of mount Kara-Tau.