Презентация рейтинга российских ВУЗов Благотворительного фонда В.Потанина 2016. Education
Russian Universities rating 2016 of V.Potanin Charity foundation
V.Potanin Charity Foundation represented Rating of Russian Universities 2016 on September 6, 2016. It differs from other national and international ratings, due to it analyzes only those universities whose
Belgrade Philharminy and Nemanja Radulovic in Moscow, 2016 Music
The Belgrade orchestra and Nemanja Radulovic has performed in Moscow
06 September 2016 took place a long-awaited concert in Moscow. Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra and violinist Nemanja Radulovic performed their show. At the end of the first act the audience of the Concert
Grand Russian Symphony Orchestra in Protvino Music
In Cultural center Proton the performance of the Big Symphony orchestrawas held
In the Cultural center of the Moscow region in Protvino town on September 03, 2016 was held a concert which included two works: Concerto for violin and cello with orchestra J. Brahms and Symphony No.
"Маскарад" Ставропольского театра драмы на сцене Малого театра Theatre
Stavropol Drama Theatre presented two performances at the Maly Theatre
Thanks to the renowned “Maly Theatre of Russia”, the Moscow audience met with Stavropol Drama Theater. “Maly” gave its colleagues the scene for two fine performances: September 3, 2016 a play A.Sumbatova-Ugine “
Россия готова к переговорам с ЕС о переосмыслении подходов к мировой экономике Russia
Russia is ready to negotiate with the EU approaches to rethinking the world economy
First Deputy Minister of economic development of Russia Alexey Likhachev at session II of the Eastern economic forum said that Russia is ready to negotiate with Brussels in order to resume cooperation
Moscow Philharmony sees growth of abonnement sales Music
The subscriptions sales of the Moscow Philharmonia show explosion of interest in classics
According to the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Moscow Philharmonia broke the absolute record in subscriptions’ sales, having sold more than 100’000 subscriptions in 2016.
В Музее М. Глинки открылась выставка М. Таривердиева Music
The Museum of M. Glinka opened the exhibition of M. Tariverdiev
In the foyer of the Concert hall Museum of musical culture im. M. I. Glinka, on the first day of season 2016/2017, the exhibition of life and works of Mikael Tariverdiev was opened on 03 September 2016.
Nemanja Radulovic Music
Nemanja Radolovic brings to Moscow brilliant violin and optimism
On August 06, 2016, the Belgrade Philharmonic orchestra will bring to Moscow, in its Tchaikovsky Concert hall, a unique program and an outstanding violinist Nemanja Radulovic. This will be the debut of
State History Museum Russia Museums
The State Historical Museum – one of the most visited in Russia
According to Russian Ministry of Culture, the State Historical Museum of Russia is in the TOP10 of the most visited museums in the country in 1H 2016. The museum complex includes the History Museum, St. Basil’
Белградский филармонический оркестр выступит в Москве 06 сентября 2016 года. Фото: Марко Джокович Music
Belgrade Philharmonic will come to Moscow on September 06, 2016
One of the best European orchestras – Belgrade Philharmonic (or in brief BPO) – will give a concert in Moscow at Concert Hall Chaikovsky on September 06, 2016. The BPO will be a guest of Moscow state academic Philharmonic.
First 100 highly gifted children began to study at boarding school of Moscow State University
Moscow State University (MSU) opened the doors of the University gymnasium (boarding school) for highly gifted children.
On August, 26 2016 a session of Presidium of State Council of Russia “On measures to increase the investment attractiveness of the sanatorium-resort complex in the Russian Federation”
Флаг Украины Ukraine
The government of Ukraine and analysts expect the growth of the economy
According to preliminary estimates of Ukrainian State Statistics, in the second quarter of 2016, Ukraine’s GDP grew by 1.3% compared to the second quarter of 2015 and by 0.6% compared to the first
Фото: MITO SettembreMusica Music
On September 02, 2016 in Italy launches an international festival of classical music
From 2 to 22 September in the Italian cities of Milan and Turin will host the international classical music festival MITO SettembreMusica 2016. This year the festival celebrates its 10-year anniversary
Презентация кампусных карт - совместного проекта МГУ, Сбербанка, MasterCard и Правительства Москвы Education
MSU introduces a system of multifunctional campus card
MSU (Moscow State University) will become the first University where in everyday life of faculty, staff and students will enter multi-functional plastic cards – chip cards Mastercard® of SberBank.