Государственный Кремлёвский Дворец представил классическое звучание киномузыки Music
The State Kremlin Palace presented the classic sound of film music
On August 25, 2016 at the State Kremlin Palace took place a concert from the cycle “Affordable classics”, which offered the public a new sound to film music. If watching the movie you percieve
Пальяновское месторождение. ХМАО. Фото "Газпром нефть" Energy industry
Gazprom has mastered the full cycle of advanced technologies of production of shale oil
In 2009, the US became the world leader in gas production. The media wrote that the rapid growth of shale gas production has been achieved by fracturing. The same technology for production of shale oil
Вводятся ограничения на госзакупки продуктов питания Agriculture
The Russian government imposes restrictions on procurement of imported food
Starting from 03 September 2016, state, municipal and budgetary establishments of Russia will not be able to purchase imported food products in sufficient quantity produced in Russia and the EAEU member-States
Екатерининский дворец. Фото: ГМЗ "Царское Село" Museums
Tsarskoye Selo is a third most famous sight in Russia
Wherever fate may have thrown us Wherever luck may have had us go We remain the same; outsiders to the world- Citizens of Tsarskoye Selo A.S. Pushkin. “The ninetenth of October” Tsarskoye Selo is a third
Форум «Развитие высшего образования»Фото: Пресс-служба Минобрнауки России Education
Program supporting universities and digital education in Russia
At the forum “Development of higher education”, which was attended by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, Minister of education and science Olga Vassilieva and 450 representatives of the University
Государственный Музей Изобразительных Искусств им. А.С. Пушкина Education
The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts will teach plastic surgeons the history of art
On August 25, 2016 was presented the art history training program for residents of Department of plastic and reconstructive surgery, cosmetology and cellular technologies at Institute named after Pirogov.
Московский Международный Автомобильный Салон 2016 Cars
Moscow international automobile salon 2016: a harbinger of the autopilot
On 24 August – 04 September 2016 is held the next Moscow International Automobile Show (MIAS), which traditionally introduces its guests with novelties of the Russian and world automotive industry.
Петергоф. Фото Е.А. Богатырёвой Museums
Peterhof is the most popular Museum in Russia in the first half of 2016
According to information obtained by “E Vesti” from the Russian Ministry of culture, in the first half of 2016, the most visited museums of Russia are the Museums of Saint-Petersburg: Peterhof
Художественные сокровища России Exhibitions
Art treasures of Russia
One day, when I was passing by the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, I saw an advertising stand displaying exhibitions held there. “Such place cannot host a bad event”, –
Председатель Правления Газпром Алексей Миллер и Председатель Правления OMV AG Райнер Зеле. Фото gazprom.ru Energy industry
The implementation of the Nord Stream – 2 goes on schedule
Periodically there are reports in the media about the various obstacles in the implementation of the project of a new gas pipeline “Nord Stream – 2” from Russia to Europe – the demand
В Люцерне стартовал летний фестиваль классической музыки Music
In Lucerne started a summer festival of classical music
The summer classical music festival opened in the Swiss city of Lucerne, located on the shore of lake Lucerne, at the foot of mount Pilatus, in front of Wagner’s Villa.
Совещание по сохранению и развитию Соловецкого архипелага, 2016 год Museums
The project of the Museum on Solovki stated in UNESCO
Russia submitted a revised draft of the Museum on Solovki in the court of UNESCO, announced the Minister of culture Vladimir Medinsky at a meeting on the preservation and development of the Solovki archipelago
Ночь кино впервые пройдёт в России 27 августа 2016 года Culture and art
Movie night will be held in Russia on August 27, 2016
For the first time “Movie Night” campaign will be held in Russia on August 27, 2016, on the Day of Russian cinema. The program of the event consists of free screenings, creative meetings and concerts.
Автосалон Skoda ГК "Автомир" Cars
Car market discerns difficulties, but stays optimistic
Next week, August 22-28, 2016 Russia will host two major automotive exhibitions: the Moscow International Auto Show (MIAS) and the 20th International Exhibition of Automotive Parts, Components, Car Maintenance
Минсельхоз России дал старт закупочным зерновым интервенциям 2016 Agriculture
The Ministry of agriculture of Russia opened the purchase of ceed intervention
On August 19, 2016 Deputy Director of agriculture in Russian agricultural Ministry Vladimir Volik gave the official start of purchasing interventions in the grain market.