Музей Москвы открыл выставку Азбука Музея Exhibitions
Museum of Moscow opened all-new vision exhibition
On August 04, 2016 the Museum of Moscow held opening of exhibition named “the ABC of the museum”. The event reflects the desire of the Museum to impress the new interactive generation and to
Алексей Валентинович Улюкаев, Министр Экономического развития РФ Russia
Russia is rebuilding relations with Asia
On 05 August 2016 in Laos held a meeting of economic Ministers of East Asia summit. It is traditionally held on the eve of the 11-th East Asia summit, scheduled for September 2016.
Знаменитый оркестр сыграет вальсы из фильмов в Кремлёвском дворце Music
The famous orchestra will play waltzes from films in the Kremlin Palace
25 Aug 2016 19:00 Grand Symphony orchestra after Tchaikovsky will be performing the music from the movies in the Grand Kremlin Palace. Conductor is Denis Lotoev.
Мария Федосова, режиссёр Theatre
Play “Running” after Bulgakov in the “Commonwealth of Taganka Actors” and an interview with M. Fedosova
The play “Running”, based on the play by M. A. Bulgakov, was first staged in December 2015. Since then it became one of the favorite productions of the Theater “Commonwealth Taganka Actors”
А. Шпиленко на Иннопром-2016 Russia
Innovation and investment in Russia: growth and positive dynamics
Today the government of Russia carries out a reconstruction of the country’s economy, transforms its structure from the resource-based to an innovative model. The state has created good conditions for the investors.
Китай показывает стремительный рост научных публикаций Natural science
China shows a rapid growth of scientific publications
One of the largest popular science journals of the world the Nature, issuing The Nature Index 2016 based on research of 8’000 global institutions, underlines that in its Rising Stars charter curious
Federal Agency for tourism relies on the affiliate programs to attract tourists in Russia
“Russia will use the affiliate program to promote tourism,” – said the Deputy head of the Federal tourism Agency Sergey Korneev. An example of such a program is the campaign “
Девятый вал. И.К. Айвазовский Exhibitions
Aivazovsky presented at the exhibition in the Tretyakov gallery in full width
In Moscow, at the Tretyakov gallery on Krymsky Val, the exhibition of Ivan Aivazovsky (1817-1900) is held. It opened on 29 July 2016, exactly 1 year to the 200 anniversary from the birthday of the artist
30 июля 1784 года родился Денис Давыдов History
Denis Davydov was born on July 30, 1784
Denis Davydov was born on 17 (30) July 1784 in Moscow in the noble family. Lieutenant-General of cavalry. Cousin of famous generals A. P. Yermolov, N. N. Rajewski. A senior contemporary and friend of A.
Андрей Шпиленко, к.э.н., директор Ассоциации кластеров и технопарков Companies news
In the Q4 of 2016 will appear a national ranking of technoparks of the Russian Federation
In the fourth quarter of 2016 in Russia the high-tech (or innovative) company will aget the Navigator in the choice of Technopark national technoparks of the Russian Federation. Management companies of
А. В. Улюкаев Russia
The Ministers of Economic development of the Russian Federation and Agriculture of Germany are working to restore trade turnover
On 27 July 2016, the Minister of economic development of Russia Alexei Ulyukayev held a meeting with the Federal Minister of food and agriculture of Germany Christian Schmidt By the end of 2015, the trade
Открытие выставки Л. Стейнмеца в ГМИИ Exhibitions
In the Pushkin Museum. Pushkin opened an exhibition of Leon Steinmetz “Spell of antiquity”
On July 28, 2016 in the Greek courtyard of the State Museum of Fine Arts after Pushkin was opened an exhibition of Leon Steinmetz “The spell of antiquity”. It will last until 18 September 2016.
А.В. Улюкаев Russia
The Russian government began to remove restrictions from trade ties with Turkey
The Ministry of economic development and the Ministry of economy of Turkey to 09 August 2016 (the presidents) will develop a number of measures for the return of the trading partnership as of November
Марийский государственный театр оперы и балета им. Эрика Сапаева, "Ромео и Джульетта" Theatre
Russia has named the three winners of the theatrical Volkov award
The Russian government encouraged three major theatrical figures of Russia for the contribution to development of theatrical art in 2016.
Baсkaldrin Ступино Companies news
The first Austrian investment in the SEZ: the opening of the plant Backaldrin in Russia
On 25 July 2016 was layed the first stone in the base of the plant Baсkaldrin in the Moscow suburb of Stupino, where is the “five-star” special economic zone (SEZ) GDP Stupino Quadrat is placed.