"Паяцы" Р. Леонкавалло. New Opera World Theatre
Summer lab New World Opera released the first Opera
On June 21-23, 2016 the premiere of “Pagliacci” by R. Leoncavallo (Pagliacci, Ruggero Leoncavallo) took place at Moscow Chamber theater named after B. A. Pokrovsky, which kindly provided its
МВФ: эмиграция стран Восточной Европы подрывает их экономику World
IMF: the emigration of Eastern European countries, undermining their economies
Experts from the International Monetary Fund on 20 July 2016 published a study of emigration from Eastern Europe and its consequences.
Схематическое изображение процессов биодеградации кремниевых наночастиц. Фото МГУ. Любовь Осминкина Natural science
MSU scientists are exploring cancer treatment
Researchers of Moscow state University. M. V. Lomonosov proved the applicability of silicon nanoparticles for diagnostics and treatment (theranostics) of cancer.
Companies news
Gazprom in 2015 will save resources and reduce environmental damage
The largest, according to RiaRating, company in Russia named Gazprom has made progress in environmental protection and economic efficiency. So, in 2015, the company saved fuel and energy resources in the amount of 7.
Почта России: Почтовые отправления из-за рубежа удвоились за счёт интернет-торговли Companies news
Post of Russia: Post from abroad has doubled due to Internet Commerce
In January-June 2016 the Russian Post processed 98,5 million international merchandise parcels (+105% compared to the same period in 2015). More than 80% of the parcels are purchases of Russians in foreign online stores.
Companies news
Renault-Nissan joined the Global business Council for sustainable development
July 20, 2016, the Renault-Nissan Alliance joined the World Business Council for Sustainable Development. Joining the Council means that the Alliance emphasizes “sustainable development”
The international monetary Fund downgraded the Outlook for the global economy
The international monetary Fund (IMF) downgraded its forecast for the world economy, as it believes that the result of the referendum in the UK and the country’s withdrawal from the European Union
А. Васнецов. Кремль при Иване III. Автолитография. Фото Российской Государственной Библиотеки Exhibitions
Muscovites have the opportunity to open mosсow-researcher in Apollinariy Vasnetsov
Apollinary Mikhailovich Vasnetsov is less known than his famous older brother, a “fantastic painter” Viktor Mikhailovich (“Alyonushka”, “Heroes” etc).
Балет Донкихот. Солисты парижской Опера Гарнье (Гранд опера) Элоиз Бурдон (Heloise Bourdon) и Жереми-Лу Кер (Jeremy-LoupQuer) Theatre
The Grand Opera soloists took part in the Summer ballet seasons
On July 19, 2016, debut of soloistes of Grand Opera with the Russian classical ballet Oksana Usachevahosted was held. On the stage was given the ballet by Ludwig Minkus “don Quixote”
New Opera World Theatre
Premieres of the operas “Pagliacci” by Leoncavallo and “Eugene Onegin” by Tchaikovsky will be held in the Theater. B. A. Pokrovsky
Singers from 7 countries and instrumentalists from 17 cities of Russia will take part in the premiere of two operas “Pagliacci” by R. Leoncavallo and “Eugene Onegin”
The Russian government is updating the agriculture and develop the agro-industrial complex
A comprehensive discussion of the fate of agro-industrial complex (AIC) of Russia was held in the framework of the forum “Russian field day” in the Altai region. According to the Minister of agriculture A.
Житие святителя Николая Мирликийского, с его многочисленными чудесами (XVI в.). Фото Марии Колосовой Exhibitions
Exhibition “The Image of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker in the Russian book miniature” hosts in Moscow
Russian State Library in the Blue Exhibition Hall on Vozdvizhenka, 3/5 conducts extremely interesting exhibition of 56 handwritten and 34 early printed books of XVI-XIX centuries, dedicated to the image of St.
Вл. Маяковский Culture and art
On July 19 1893 V. Mayakovsky was born
“God, rest his soul, your rival” M. Tsvetaeva to Mayakovsky A Russian poet, playwriter, artist and maestro of advertising slogans Vladimir Mayakovsky was born on July 7 (19) 1893 in in Baghdati
Google использует данные глаз пациентов для исследований Natural science
Google uses eye data for researches
According to BBC, Google company represented by its Google DeepMind division, tries to resolve healthcare questions. A project created together with Moorfields eye hospital, includes the analysis of a
Пресс-конференция в ТАСС по переименованию Гослитмузея Museums
The state literary Museum will be named after V. Dahl
Starting from July 18, 2016, State Litterary Museum will change the name to “State Museum of the history of the Russian literature after V. I. Dahl”.