Музей Изобразительных Искусств им. А.С. Пушкина Exhibitions
Pushkin Museum agreed on collaboration with the Uffizi Gallery
The Memorandum of cooperation between the Uffizi Gallery and the Museum of fine arts. Pushkin was agreed on July 12, 2016 at the Embassy of Italy in Moscow. The Memorandum was signed by the Director of
Русская Православная Церковь обеспокоена ущемлением прав родителей Orthodoxy
The Russian Orthodox Church is concerned about the infringement of the rights of parents
The Patriarchal Commission on family matters, protection of motherhood and childhood in its statement warns that the new version of article 116 of the criminal code (the “Law prohibiting education”
Китайско-российское сотрудничество Education
Large-scale cooperation in education signed agreement with China
On July 5, 2016 at MSU Lomonosov was held the Forum of rectors of universities of Russia and China. It was told about the exchange programs of students and pupils, on the development of industrial competition
МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова Natural science
The exoskeleton will help brain damage after a stroke
Scientists of the faculty of psychology of Moscow state University together with “University and Scientific center of neurology” study the effectiveness of the technology “
Портрет императрицы Елизаветы Петровны Романовой World
In Turin will be shown treasures of the Romanovs
16 July 2016 to 29 January 2017 in Turin (Italy, Piedmont), the “Italian Versailles” Savoyard monarch Charles Emmanuel II called Venaria Reale, will host the exhibition “
Минэкономразвития РФ. Проект по выращиванию компаний-лидеров инноваций Economy
The Ministry of economic development will grow Champions innovators
Details of one of the priority projects of the Ministry of economic development was announced at a press-conference in TASS on 14 July 2016. The government of the Russian Federation will select 30 promising
Russia Implemented the Strategy of development of small and medium business
The head of the Russian chamber of Commerce and industry (CCI) Sergey Katyrin said that the importance of creating an enabling environment for small and medium business in Russia is confirmed at the first
1 – солнечный ветер, 2 – плазма, 3 – магнитопауза, 4 – магнитосфера Земли. Автор: NASA, wikimedia.org Natural science
New discoveries of MSU scientists
MSU scientists announced new discoveries in the field of Earth’s magnetosphere interaction with the solar wind and significant achievements in the field of organic electronics.
Выставка "Сказочное наследство" Theatre
In the Estate of Shalyapin was opened the exhibition of theatrical costumes
On July 14, 2016 at the Museum-estate of F. I. Chaliapin (Museum of musical culture after M. I. Glinka) was opened the exhibition “fantastic heritage”, dedicated to the history and the present
Минэкономразвития России принимает заявки на должность Генерального директора ОАО «Российская венчурная компания» Russia
Opened competition for the position of Director of the Russian venture company started
The Ministry of economic development jointly with the Agency for strategic initiatives until August 15, 2016 is accepting applications for the position of General Director of JSC “
Открывается фестиваль Джакомо Пуччини Music
Festival by Giacomo Puccini will be opened
62 festival of Giacomo Puccini will begin tomorrow in Italy. It will last from 15 July to 13 August 2016. Giacomo Puccini (1858-1924) was a composer born in Lucca) in Italy in a musical family.
форум Автокомпоненты 2016 Machinery
Strategy: Autocomponents 2016
On July 13, 2016 ASM-holding held the 9-th Moscow international forum “Autocomponents 2016”. The forum participants – market experts and analysts – discussed the prospects for automotive
Оценка качества образования: перспективы и лишения лицензий Education
Assessment of the quality of Russian education: opportunities and deprivation of licenses
On 07 July 2016 a national conference on the assessment of the quality of education was held in Moscow. The fate of the three quality assessment system existing today in the sphere of Russian education
National electronic library got legal clearance
All Russian libraries have been implementing the plan of digitization of library collections during last 10 years. The result of performed project was collected in the united National electronic library.
Brexit Media review
The media review. Evaluation of the referendum on England leaving the EU
In the last 2 weeks in the world appeared and was spread the term Brexit. It comes from two English words – Britain и Exit, means the United Kingdom leaves the European Union. The same verbal construction