Открытие Франкотеки в Москве World
Muscovites got free access to a rich Fund of French literature
On July 07, 2016 at the Library for Foreign literature in Moscow (Nikoloyamskaya, 1) was opened Cultural Centre “Francothèque “. The opening was attended by the Director of the Library for
Всероссийская сельскохозяйственная перепись Agriculture
All-Russian agricultural census
On July 01, 2016 in Russia started all-Russian agricultural census, which will last until August 15. It is necessary to collect more complete information on the state of agriculture in the country and
Театры снова уходят под крыло государства Theatre
Theatres go under the wing of the state again
According to the Ministry of culture of the Russian Federation, “Studio of theater art” (STI) Sergey Zhenovach becomes the Federal theatre, that is, it will move to budget financing.
Фестиваль китайской культуры. Пресс-конференция открытия Politics
Festival of Chinese culture 2016
On July 04, 2016 in Moscow at the Central Academic theatre of the Russian army, the official opening of the Chinese culture Festival in Russia was held, which was attended by Deputy Chairman of Russian
Марийский театр оперы и балета. Ромео и Джульетта Theatre
Russian ballet seasons go on
The ballets Russes, which opened June 28, 2016, continues. Until August 28, 2016, ballet lovers can enjoy the classical Russian ballet in the best modern productions.
Старинные танцы на открытом воздухе Music
Old dancing on plein air
On June 30, 2016 at Summer stage of the Russian Central Museum, musical group “L’esprit du vent” (FR. “Spirit of wind”) was played by the works of the German composer of the Baroque era G.
Беседа с Д.Крюковым о философии музыки Music
Interview with conductor Dmitry Kryukov on the philosophy of music
Classical music is inherently highbrow and elitist. Unlike the popular music it requires education or at least preparation for the hearing. For those people who do not have habit to listen to classics
New materials and technologies for Russian industry
On June 28, 2016 all-Russian research Institute of aviation materials (VIAM) held III all-Russian scientific-technical conference “the Role of fundamental research in the implementation of Strategic
02 июля состоится спектакль «Весёлого Рождества, мама!» в Содружестве актёров Таганки Theatre
On July 02, 2016 was held a performance “Merry Christmas, mom!” in the Commonwealth of Taganka actors
On July 02, 2016 Commonwealth Taganka Actors held a performance “Merry Christmas, mother!”, which was first staged at the theater on April 22, 2015. By genre it belongs to Comedy, although
Марийский театр оперы и балета на Летних балетных сезонах 2016. Зигфрид Theatre
Mari ballet keeps the traditions of Russian ballet
On June 28, 2016 was opened the Summer ballet seasons in Moscow. It was started with one of the best ballet companies in the country – the Mari Opera and ballet “Swan lake”
08 июля 2016 года – авторский концерт Владимира Завикторина Culture and art
On July 08, 2016 – the author’s concert of Vladimir Zaviktorin
On July 08, 2016 in the theatre of Commonwealth of Taganka actors will take place the concert of Vladimir Zaviktorin. Admission is free. Lovers of poetry and bard songs receive from it huge pleasure, because
Н.Н. Губенко на 20-летии Содружества Актёров Таганки (фото А. Штром) Theatre
Interview with Nikolai Nikolaevich Gubenko
Russia National Artist Nikolai Nikolaevich Gubenko was born in 1941 in Odessa (USSR, now Ukraine). After losing parents at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, he was brought up and got the way to
Открываются 16е Летние балетные сезоны Culture and art
16th Summer ballet seasons to open
On June 28, 2016 at Russian Academic Youth Theater (RAMT) will be opened Summer Ballet Seasons and will last till August 28, 2016. This is the sixteenth year of the seasons.
Future innovations in customs clearance procedures
22-24 June 2016 delegation of the Eurasian economic Commission (EEC) and the Association of European Businesses visited Italy to study the experience of Authorized economic operators (AEO).
Четыре тоста за победу Н.Н. Губенко Theatre
Four toast for the Great Patriotic War win (after N.N. Gubenko)
On June 22, 2016, in commemoration of the anniversary of the beginning of the Great Patriotic war, at the Theatre of Commonwealth of actors of Taganka was played the spectacle “