The art of roasting coffee from Torrefacto
Coffee is the favorite drink in many countries, including Russia. It has healthy properties and is particularly indicated for people with low blood pressure. But it refers to organic coffee that is hard
Оружие. Детские игрушки. Ратникъ. Home and beauty
Parenting of masculinity among children
It is well-known that the traits of character come from childhood. It is known that the foundations of human nature are set in childhood. The formation of the male character traits is the most important
Evening of keyboard masterpieces is music for everyone Music
Evening of keyboard masterpieces is music for everyone
At the Moscow Conservatory on the 18th of June 2016 was held the Evening of keyboard masterpieces, which was played by its brilliant graduates are now well – known musicians, teachers and winners of international
Русское кино ставит актуальные проблемы Culture and art
Russian movies put actual problems
June 21, 2016, on the eve of the opening 38 of the Moscow film festival in the conference hall of the Moscow house of cinematographers has passed a press-conference on the occasion of the opening of new
Review of new cars and prices in Russia
According to the research center “Effet”, 33 new cars and 22 renewed models were launched in Russia in January-May 2016. Most of them were the makes of Mercedes-Benz and Porsche. For instance, Mercedes-Benz
Мистерия "Ангел огня" Music
04 July 2016 in the Moscow Conservatory will take place the mystery Angel fire
“Angel fire” – a mystery in explanation of Concerto No. 2 and Symphony No. 3 by Sergei Prokofiev, is expecting its listeners on July 04, 2016 in the Great hall of the Moscow Conservatory.
On necessary classification of Russian hotels
The Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Russian Federation has tabled a bill on an introduction of a procedure of necessary classification of the hotels of Russia. According to the Minister of Culture
Начинается 38 Московский кинофестиваль Culture and art
38th Moscow movie festival to begin
On June 20-30, 2016 the film fans will be able to soak up the atmosphere of the motion pictures contest at the opening night, enjoy the retrospective and out-of-competition showings, as well as other occasional events.
AEB and GFK researched on business attractiveness in Russia
Association of European Businesses and GFK Russia united again to evaluate level of business comfort in Russia and held in April 2016 research among 600 members of AEB.
In museum of Shalyapin was opened exhibition of Olkhov
On June 12, 2016 in museum of the great Russian singer of Feodor Shalyapin took place solemn opening of the exhibition of the artist Vladimir Olkhov (born on 30.07.1956).
В Консерватории в июне 2016 ожидаются джаз, марши, вальсы и вокальное-инструментальное приношение к годовщине Отечественной войны Music
In June 2016 in Moscow conservatoire jazz, marсh, valse and vocal-instrumental gifts to Patriotic War anniversary are expected
Big hall of Moscow conservatoire invites for 3 musical programmes for lovers of different music genres. Fans of jazz are invited on June 16-24 for Summer jazz festival «Solo, in duet and with orchester».
Рецепт засолки беломорской сельди Hobby
Recipe pickling white sea herring
On June 11, 2016 company LavkaLavka gave another feast of gourmet healthy and delicious food, namely fish. Works of culinary art were represented to Russian and foreign public by their creator Maxim Kurbatov.
The Russian government plans to stabilize the mashinery at “zero”
09 June 2016 held a meeting of engineering Committee of Association of European Businesses on the topic of “Trends of machine building market of the first half of 2016)”
The Museum of M. I. Glinka, honored the memory of S. Prokofiev
2016 is marked with 125 years anniversary of birth of Sergei Prokofiev, in whose honor the all-Russian Museum Association of musical culture named after M. I. Glinka held festival “
The premiere of Obscurantists was held at theatre Pokrovsky
In 2016, the 110th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding composer of the XX century Dmitry Shostakovich (1906-1975) is celebrated. He graduated from the Petrograd Conservatory (St.