Day of Russia will take place in USA
On June 07, 2016 in Washington (DC, USA) will be held events, dedicated to the first official arrival of American squadron in 1861 headed by extraordinary Ambassador of the United States by Gustavus Fox
Green chemistry leads to company's wealth World
Green chemistry leads to company’s wealth
Chemical company Amgen, issuing biotechnological cure, including 6 items supplying to Russia, published article at Nature magazine sharing its successful experience in implementing «Green chemistry» principles.
В.В. Коноваленко. Бражники Exhibitions
Exhibition of Vassily Konovalenko was opened
Today, on June 01, 2016 the one-pillar chamber of the Patriarch Palace of the Moscow Kremlin was opened an exhibition of works by painter, sculptor, lapidary artist and jeweler Vasily Konovalenko (1929-1989).
Museum of Fine Arts celebrated the birthday
On May 28 and 31, 2016 Museum of Fine Arts after Pushkin in Moscow was celebrated his birthday. It appeared on May 31, 1912, when it was first opened to the public under the name “
Открытие Музея Русского Импрессионизмв Museums
Museum of Russian impressionism opened in Russia
On Leningrad prospect in Moscow, on the territory of cultural-trading complex named «Bolshevik», is now placed Museum of Russian Impressionism. The museum, opened for public on May 28, 2016 – is one of
On May 25, 2016 in Moscow leaders of road-construction and special vehicles assembled at 5th Russian Conference «SpecAutoTechnika 2016», which was organized by ASM-holding, Russian Union of Auto Makers
Russian regions are promissing for investments
On May 2016 Association of European Businesses held flagship conference “Russian regions and foreign investors. The presentations of investment zones, big foreign investors and investment analysts
Bayer + Monsanto Agriculture
Bayer + Monsanto = global agro leader?
According to press-release of Bayer, Monsanto was offered to sell its shares at $122 each (total deal is estimated at $62 bln). The deal considerable changes the balance of power on the global agro market and that’
Natural science
Helicopters. Realized dreams of the sky
The desire to fly, although it is not one of basic human needs, is originated in ancient times, when human looked at the sky and birds. Souls of some people sought to tear the body off the ground.
Женщины и инновации Natural science
Women and innovation
In the West and in our country there are many studies that say that the equality of men and women in the workplace promotes innovation in business. However, world leaders are still men and the need for
О традиционном, но современном Доме Русской Одежды Fashion
About traditional but actual Russian fashion house
Russian people, who made great contribution to world culture everywhere, do have something to pass from generation to generation. Nevertheless, we do not follow our traditions. Cultural, ideal and real
The day of Slavic writing and culture
In may 2016 in different cities of Russia will take place 375 festive events with participation of the Ministry of culture of Russia, devoted to Day of Slavic writing and culture. They include exhibitions
125 лет назад родился М.А. Булгаков Exhibitions
125 years ago M. Bulgakov was born
125 years ago (on May 15, 1891) Russian writer Mikhail Bulgakov was born in Kiev. The name combines Russian litterary tradition, descending to N. Gogol and F. Dostoevsky, and also lasting spiritual essence.
Музеи Московского Кремля могут ввести квоты на посещение Museums
The Moscow Kremlin museums can impose quotas on the admission
In 2015 the Moscow Kremlin museums was visited by 2’200’000 visitors. A quarter of them are Chinese, about a million US and Europe, the rest mainly citizens of Russia.
В России появится национальный рейтинг ВУЗов Education
National university ranking will appear in Russia
People interested in the acquisition of knowledge, had always been looking for the best teachers and masters to study, not paying attention to distances. Aristocracy and scholars went to study at recognised