Companies news
Nissan became the biggest Mitsubishi shares owner
Japanese auto maker Nissan will take 34% shares of another Japanese automaker – Mitsubishi Motors. This is linked with fuel scandal of the latter. The aquision is estimated at $2.2 bln and the deal will
Генетики проследили еврейские корни в индийской общине Бен-Исраэль Natural science
Genetics to trace Jewish roots in the Indian community Ben-Israel
In Western India there is an ancient Jewish community Ben-Israel (Sons of Israel). Jewish sources say that it is perhaps the only one in the two millennia of its existence saw no pogroms in the world and
Экономика Китая вырастет в 2016 году, несмотря на трудности World
China’s economy will grow in 2016, despite the difficulties
Vice President of China Zhang Gaoli at the forum in Beijing announced that, despite difficulties, China’s economy will achieve growth in 2016. His words are quoted by Agency Reuters.
Упрощены разводы во Франции World
Divorce in France are supmlified
French “La Croix” published article of Guillaume Goubert named «Divorce, the victory of individualism». Perhaps, it is difficult to express the change in French law on divorce better.
There is woodcuts exhibition in Tretyakov gallery
In the main building of the Tretyakov gallery in Lavrushinsky lane in Moscow until may 15, 2016, the exhibition “Materials and techniques of printmaking. Woodcut” is held.
Pope Francis shared his dream of new European Humanism
Pope Francis, who just received honor of Charles the Great in France, in his acceptance speech described his dream of «new Europaen Humanism». The pontiff have also described components of the dream as
Японские химические компании делают упор на высококачественную передовую продукцию Companies news
Japanese chemical companies focus on innovative products
According to the research of IHS, Japanese chemical manufacturers focus on innovative chemistry. Japanese goods are always linked in our mind with high technologies, but it was produced together with common chemical products.
Bank of Russia resulted Russian auto market 2015
Bank of Russia, regulating insurers in Russia, provided analysis of 2015 results in Russian insurance market. 478 players only was left in 2015 on the Russian market – 70 lost licenses.
Russians became poorer and more pessimistic, but more hardworking Economy
Russians became poorer and more pessimistic, but more hardworking
Recently Russian society was studied by three established all-Russian analytical companies. On April 26, 2016 Institute of Sociology (Russian Academy of Science) represented new research of the Russian
Бланманже – полузабытый десерт Hobby
Blanc-mange – half-forgotten dessert
Blanc-mange – is creation of French cousine, which derives from two French words – white (blanc) and eating (mange). In its substance it is white jelly, prepared on the basis of gelatin, milk / cream and
Пасхальный фестиваль в Москве 2016 Music
Easter Festival opened on May 01, 2016 in Moscow
On Easter, may 01, 2016, opened the Easter festival. It was created on the initiative of Valery Gergiev and the Moscow mayor Yuri Luzhkov in 2002, received the blessing of Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia
Дороги в регионах получат помощь правительства Russia
Road reconstruction in Russia will get subsidies
In 2015 Russian government reduced expenses for construction and reconstruction of federal roads by 25% comparing to 2014 (to 179 bln RUR). At the same time, regional and local roads got 2.
Прогноз развития мировой экономики на 2016 год. World
Global ecomony outlook 2016
International Monetary fund, United Nations and The World bank note, that growth of world economy 2015 was low – 2.4%. IMF predicts in 2016 small global growth at 3.2%. Restoration of the economy growth
26 апреля 2016 года исполнилось 30 лет со дня взрыва на Чернобыльской АЭС Ukraine
On April 26, 2016 we remember 30th anniversary of Chernobyl atomic power plant
Chernobyl is a place in Kiev region of Ukraine, where 30 years ago happened grave accident. Damage of 4th block in atomic power plant claimed the lives of 28 people and poisoned with radiation close regions
23 апреля 2016 года открылась 20-я Российская неделя искусств Exhibitions
20th Artweek exhibition opened in Moscow on April 23, 2016
On April 23, 2016 at Tretyakov gallery on Krymcky Val was opened 20th «Russian Art Week» – International project of modern art. Artweek, as it is names worlwide, represents interesting phenomenon of our actual life.