Commission on improvement of state management will be created in Russia
Russian magazine «Vedomosti» informed us, that Russian Prime-minister D. Medvedev asked Russian President V. Poutine to change governmental management system, which is now based on Soviet methods of control
ВВП России в первом квартале 2016 года упал на 1.4% Macroeconomy
Russian GDP in Q1 2016 fell by 1.4%
GDP of Russia fell by -1.4% in Q1 2016. According to forecast of the Russian Ministry of Economy, in 2016 country’s economy may drop by -2% to 2015, in 2017 it will decrease by -0.4%.
19 апреля 2016 года в России вступил в силу Кодекс добросовестных практик в фармацевтике Market news
Conduct of Russian Pharma practices came into force on April 19, 2016
After crash of the USSR our reality was marked with arrival of global manufacturers to Russia. They are strong world companies, with great investment potential and longstanding experience (oftenly for
г. Махдия, Тунис Travel
Six ideas how to spend May holidays
April comes to the end, and soon long-awaited May vacations will arrive. Nature blooms. It is necessity to look aside everyday concerns and to change environment. The two things are needed –
Выставка Серебряный век русской культуры 2016 Exhibitions
Exhibition Siver Age of the Russian culture 2016 is opened
On April 17, 2016 in Union of the Russian Writers in Moscow International project «Silver age of the Russian culture is opened». The topic «Silver age of the Russian culture» appeared after the exhibition
Market news
Footware. World of leather 2016. Spring
In March 22-25 at Expocenter Krasnaya Presnya in Moscow the 45th International exhibition «Footwear. World of leather 2016. Spring was held». It would be more correct to name the exhibition as «Fashionable
Съезд автодилеров 2016 Cars
Russian autodealer conference 2016
On April 12-13, 2016 in Moscow Convention ROAD 2016 – Congress of the Russian Auto Dealers – was held. Two days dealers and specialists connected to the industry were discussing actual state
Выставки музея 1812 года Exhibitions
Exhibitions of museum of 1812 in Moscow
In Russian museum of 1812 in Moscow three exhibitions are held. The first one, which is small, but warm, composed of a few stands at the end of the main exposition, transfers us in the middle of XIX century
150th anniversary of Erik Satie
On April 06, 2016 at New Opera in Moscow concert «Voices of francs’ land» was held, timed to 150th anniversary of French composer Erik Satie, 1866-1925. He became French by country of creation, while
Companies news
Peugeot-Citroen unveiled its plans
On April 05, 2016 head of Peugeot-Citroen M.Carlos Tavares represented company’s plan for the nearest years under the name «push to pass”, and also revealed ways of increasing margin.
Jaguar XF Cars
Jaguar XF – high-tech premium class vehicle
On April 2 the official Jaguar dealer in Russia “Avilon” made a presentation of a renewed Jaguar XF. The presentation was going in a festive atmosphere. “Avilon” particularly succeeded in the organizing
Natural science
Ingredients of modern food
In present phrase “food ingredients” became common for our hearing. As all foreign words, “ingredient” derives from latin «content», this symbolise arrival of outlandish things
XIX международный форум-выставка ДОРКОМЭКСПО-2016 Market news
Situation in road building and machinery manufacturing
Surely, macroeconomic environment has a great impact on road building and road renovation, its maintenance, and both the specialty vehicles and machinery manufacturing.
Economy of Belorussia in 2016
In the economy of our brotherly state observed the processes of recession. In January-February 2016 the country’s GDP fell by -4% compared to the last year. On March 30, 2016 the Republic of Belorussia
Commercial vehicles in Russia in 2016
The commercial vehicle market is represented by large vehicles (trucks) and light-commercial vehicles, or LCV, and also by bus. According to ASM-holding, 52.25 million vehicles are registered in Russia