
These days the Russian tourism market undergoes great changes. This situation includes all travel flows: outbound travel flow, domestic and inbound tourism. Many aspects have an impact in this context:

22 March 2016 the company CROS with the support of the Japanese pharmaceutical company Eisai has organized a press-conference with participation of outstanding Russian scientists – leading specialists
Together with the other market segments, the Russian automobile market goes through a bad stretch now. Under the existent conditions, the car manufacturers and their dealers are trying to adjust to a dropped

20 March was marked in the Russian history with the birth of two people: Hetman Mazepa and Admiral Shishkov. One betrayed Russia, the other devoted his life to the protection of Russian antiquity.

Hyundai Solaris – B-class car market leader The Korean Hyundai Motor Company product, Hyundai Solaris, is undoubtedly the leader in the Russian supermini car market. According to the information of the

Scientists have wondered: is a meat necessary for us? And traces the history of primates, from which, in their opinion, happened people. While climate change primates were divided into 2 groups: meat eaters and “
Media review
It is uneast=y in France. The media is tradicionnally covering the events in France and significant for France, but today it is focuses on the terrorist threat in the country, the reform of the labour

Resulting January 2016 economy of Ukraine (means GDP the volume of produced goods and services) equaled in national currency 1’500’518.4 mln grivna (about $59’658.56 mln), that is fell by 1.

Kids Russia, exhibition of children’s products focused on industry professionals, was held on March 01-03, 2015 in Moscow with the support of the Ministry of Industry. The exhibition was bright

After falling purchasing power sales of automotive market in Russia reduce too. In January 2016, it declined by 29% relative to January of 2015. Although the segment of premium goods is more sustainable

About customary rights to have a rest with dignity closer to nature On February 24-28, 2016 at ENEA in Moscow, the 39 exhibition Hunting and fishing in Russia was held. She has had great success with the

The Gross domestic product of the Russian Federation, according to optimistic forecasts, could grow by 0.3 percent in 2016. By pessimistic forecasts, the economy may fall by -2.3%.
On December, 22 in the Union of architects of Russia was held the press-conference devoted to participation of Russia on the sixth International Bienniale of urbanism and architecture, UABB-2015 .

On December 17 the prime minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev signed the decree about State Prizes of Russia in the field of culture for the year 2015. “Prizes are awarded to employees

On December, 26 in the State Literature Museum starts the exhibition “I Will Tell You with the Last Frankness …”, that is dedicated to the 125th anniversary since Osip Mandelstam’