Culture and art
Reading of the “War and peace” novel
Year of Literature in Russia came to the end with the large-scale project of VGTRK “War and peace. Reading of the novel”, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the writing of that great epic work of literature.
100 лет со дня рождения Георгия Свиридова Music
100 years since the birth of Georgy Sviridov
On December 16, 2015 was the 100th anniversary since the birth of the outstanding composer, the Honoured Artist of the USSR and the winner of a set of awards, Georgy Sviridov. One of his most known works
Путешествие в Рождество Exhibitions
Journey to Christmas
Moscow offers visitors and residents of the capital to travel to a fairy tale. The winter festival «Journey to Christmas» starts on December 18, 2015 and will last till January 14, 2016.
Население России и его доходы в период рецессии Economy
Russian population and its income in the period of recession
Upon overview of Russian population (146’267’300 people) revenue, we can say, that poor Russians became poorer, and their position became more precarious.
Culture and art
Van Gogh Alive Digital Art Exhibition 2.0
From the date of Vincent Van Gogh’s death all Europe celebrates 125 anniversary in 2015. Everywhere are held the thematic events devoted to the great Netherlands artist. Moscow didn’t stand aside
Выставка к 150-летию со дня рождения Валентина Серова Exhibitions
The exhibition for the 150 anniversary since the birth of Valentin Serov
The grand exhibition for the 150 anniversary since the birth of Valentin Serov was prepared by the Tretyakov gallery. Visitors will be able to see 250 works of the great artist. There are not only paintings
Международная выставка «Искусство куклы» Exhibitions
International exhibition “Art of the Doll”
From December 11 to December 13, 2015 in Gostiny dvor will take place the 6th Moscow international exhibition “Art of the Doll». More than 1000 artists from 26 countries of the world will participate in
Рынок автокредитования к ноябрю 2015 года Banks and Credits
The loan market by November 2015
Sales within the state incentives programme in the period from 1 January to 1 November 2015 amounted to 453’573 car. Only from October 26 to November 1, was implemented 15’593 cars.
Media review
French media overview on December 04-06, 2015
The main theme of the publications of the French media have become regional elections (that is, in the local government), ongoing 06 and 13 December 2015.
Кризис в Казахстане World
Crisis in Kazakhstan
Fall of oil prices, the declining Russian economy and the slowdown of China’s economy – trade partners of Kazakhstan, deteriorated economy of the country. The World bank expects growth of Kazakhstan economy at 0.
1 из 10 французов задумывался о религиозной жизни World
1 from 10 french people thought of religeous way
According to double survey, held by OpinionWay for religeous conference in France (Corref), 10% of French people thought about monasticism as calling, ie were going to become a monk.
AVAExpo festival in St. Petersburg
The 9th AVAExpo festival will be held on December 5 and 6 in Lenekspo exhibition complex in St. Petersburg. This festival is the largest annual festival of pop culture in Russia. The event gathers under
Sibelius 150 years – Tchaikovsky 175 years
The celebration of two grand musical anniversaries is held this year. First of all, it is 175 year anniversary of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky’s birth. Different cultural events in honor to this anniversary
Official autodealer nets in Russia Cars
Official autodealer nets in Russia
According to the Association of European Businesses 129’900 new cars were sold in October 2015 in Russia, which is 38.5% less than in October 2014 and 7.7% less than in September 2015.
Интервью на Pharmtech & Ingredients 2015 Market news
Interview at Pharmtech & Ingredients 2015
On 24 – 27 November 2015, the international exhibition of equipment, materials and technologies for pharmaceutical production was held in Russia. We discussed with participants the current situation in