Выставка мебели в России Мебель-2015 Market news
Furniture exhibition in Russia Mebel-2015
On November 23 – 27, 2015 in Moscow was held the exhibition devoted to the furniture. The history of the exhibition is carried out since 1974, and it has a reputation in the international market.
Усадьба Волконских и Бенкендорфов - замок Фалль Culture and art
Russian roots of Schloss Fall (Keila-Joa Castle)
In only 27 km from Tallinn there is a small village Keyla-Yoa. It is remarkable, first of all, with Keila river and its magnificent falls. However, not only the natural beauty attracts tourists there.
Culture and art
Concert lecture in St. Petersburg
On Novemer 28 and 29, in the Mariinsky Theatre of St. Petersburg will be held the lecture «The magical world of opera». The script author and the host is Natalia Entelis, a musicologist, a developer of
Culture and art
Musical «Onegin» – fresh view on the classic
In October, on the stage of «Music Hall», was presented the premiere of the musical «Onegin». The unusual format to a classic book gave the production company Makers Lab. This is not their first experience
Автострахование Insurance
Auto insurance in Russia
Negative impact on the car insurance market is exerted by factors as the devaluation of the ruble, the decrease in corporate insurance costs, the proliferation of fraud. Thus, the loss ratio for all types
Покупательское поведение при покупке и выборе автомобиля Cars
Consumer behavior when purchasing and choosing a car
Experoence of West According to research of McKinsey, auto trade rapidly goes online, about 500’000 of vehicles every year for sale on eBay. One of the largest European online car market AutoScout24
Представлен проект Открытое образование Education
Project of Open Education is represented
PProject of Open Education was officially represented at conference of new education technologies EdCrunch on September 14, 2015.
Secret pearls: Church of St. Peter and St. Paul in Vilnius
When the usual tourist routes have already been studied, it’s time to pay attention to the buildings which are unremarkable on the outside, but completely unique inside. You can easily find them
Exhibition of Finish modernism in Hermitage
The State Hermitage Museum implements some projects in order to develop the museum, to strengthen the international cultural relations, to encourage the study of the collections of the Hermitage. One of them is “
Итоги развития экономики России в январе-октябре 2015 года Macroeconomy
Results of Russian economy development in January-October 2015
Rosstat has published data on industrial development of Russia in January-October 2015. The index of industrial production for the period amounted to 96.5% of the previous year.
Обзор СМИ Франции за 18 ноября 2015 года Media review
Overview of French media on November 18, 2015
Most of media is focused on act of terrorism, which took place on November 13, 2015 in Paris and Saint-Deny. 129 people died there and 300 were injured. Today French police took by storm place of suspects’
Feodor Dostoevsky Culture and art
Birthday of F.M. Dostoevsky
On November 11 (or, upon old style on October 30) 1821 was born Russian writer Theodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. He came from an impoverished noble family and orphaned early. The writer’
Германия сегодня Travel
Berlin at present
Already at the entrance to Berlin we wonder at impressive number of historic houses and churches, which are in immaculate condition. It is remarkable, that owners of old building are oblidged to keep them
Семинар д.м.н. И.П. Неумывакина Natural science
Seminar of dr. I.P. Neumyvakin
2-days seminar of dr.I.P. Neumyvakin will be held during Festival of Health in State Library on November 21-22, 2015. Ivan Pavlovich will handle a topic Reasons of desease ans ways to elimination.
Борьба за независимость Renault Cars
Struggle for independence of Renault
On November 06, 2015 began a new round of struggle between Renault and French state for independence of the concern. The state wants to protect national interests and to influence on strategically unfavorable