Innovations in auto industry in focus of consumer preferences
In 2014 auto companies invested $105 bln in R&D. Auto industry takes the third place in the list of the biggests investors to innovations (its share is 16%). It is surpassed by electronics (share
Sorbonne Culture and art
Mutuel education agreement between France and Russia
Education system in France was formed during the centuries and is now treated as one of the best in the world. At the same time english education for years was treated more prestigious and accessible in Russia.
Авторынок России в свете политического контекста в 2015 году Cars
Russian auto market in 2015 in view of political context
Political context of the auto market development is determined by strategic planning of the state power, as well as by its tactic orders and programms. The authorities, influencing inner economic state
Кредит Banks and Credits
Latin word “credit” (credere) means to believe, to trust. The second name of creditor or lender is trustier. In our time, it is already difficult to see behind the established credit relations
Во Франции запретили оплату наличными свыше 1'000 евро Banks and Credits
Cash payments over 1’000 Euro are forbidden in France
Starting from September 01, 2015 French consumers, entrepreneurs and companies have not to pay in cash or by electronic money purchasing over 1’000 Euro. The Decree n° 2015-741 dd June 24, 2015 was
Франция хочет есть без вреда для здоровья Agriculture
France wants to eat without harm
French media vividly reacted to the government’s commitment to limit harm of chemicals Ségolène Royal, one of key socialist figures, at present French minister of Ecology, declared on June 14, 2015
Saint Luke of Crimea and Simferopol
Today, on June 11, is memorial day of outstanding Russian saint, who saved thousands of people during lifetime and is now saving our souls. Prominent scholar and lexicographer, who left rich highly artistic
Ильинский (Лубянский) сквер в Москве History
Ilyinsky (Loubyanskiy) park in Moscow
Historically this place in heart of Moscow is part of Kitai Gorod (Citta City). Ilyinka street appeared in XIV because of residence of Crimean merchants selling silk, and was named in XVI after former
Ministry of Justice of Russia closed political party
Ministry of Justice of Russia «suspended registration» of polytical party Russian All-peoples Union (ROS) on March 17, 2015. The reasons are not announced. Head of the Party is S.N.
18 апреля 2015 года состоится семинар д.м.н. профессора И.П. Неумывакина Natural science
On April 18, 2015 in Moscow will be held seminar of Doctor of Medicine prof.I.P.Neumyvakin
On April 18, 2015 at 12:00-07:00 p.m. in Moscow will be held seminar of Doctor of Medicine prof.I.P.Neumyvakin. The author is one of the greatest Russian medicins, he was working during 30 years in space medicin.
В апреле 2014 года в Москве и в мае 2015 года в Подольске состоится показ Дома Русской Одежды Fashion
On April 15, 2015 in Moscow and in May 2015 in Podolsk fashion show of Russian Garment House will be held
In April 2015 at 18:00 in Moscow (Vetkina street, 4) and then in May 2015 in Podolsk (Moscow region) Russian Garment House of Valentina Averianova will hold Russian Garment House fasion shows.
19 марта 2015 года состоится вечер Необоримая нравственность русской культуры Lectures
On March 19, 2015 in Moscow will be held evening Overwhelming morality of Russian culture
On Thursday, on March 19, 2015 in Moscow will be held the next evening « Overwhelming morality of Russian culture » from series « Homecoming ». The evening starts at 18:30 p.m. Place of evening – White
Лекторий для желающих создать семью Lectures
Public lectures for those wishing to create a family
Public lectures named “Family School” open at church of saints Peter and Fevronia in Moscow (Maryino metro station).
В России в 2014 году население выросло на 34'000 человек Macroeconomy
Russian population grew by 34 thousand people in 2014
Russian State Statistics Comitee puplished data of «natural movement of population» in Russia in 2014. Thus, 1’947 thousand people was born, and 1’914 thousand people died in 2014 in Russia.
Росстат опубликовал предварительную оценку численности населения в 2014 году Macroeconomy
Russian Statistics Comittee publushed preliminary statistics on Russian population in 2014
Russian Statistics Committee published preliminary estimation on Russian polpulation at January 01, 2015 . Totally Russian population counted 146’270’033 people, 26% live in country.