
Russia implements export duty for wheet at 15% plus €7.5, but not less that €35 per ton from February 01, 2015. The above duty will make Russian wheet noncompetitive. Russian Agricultural Ministry explains

Ministry of Agriculture offers Ministry of finance to change method of subsidy calculation for credits of locally grown producers, as derivative from key rate of Russian Central Bank (current – 17%), instead of bank rate (8.

Russian artist Pavel Ryzhenko was born in officer family in 1970 and died at 44 years in 2014. He finished art school at the Institute named after Surikov, was in the army, then studied under I.

Exposure «Pavel Ryhenko. Empire in the last war» completed its work on January 18, 2015. It extended three months from October 15, 2014 and was twice prolonged, because of great interest to the exposition.

A number of pessimistic forecasts of Russia 2015 was replenished with probably the darkest views on future of oil in 2015.

Russian population is oppressed with economic situation in the country. It is strongly pronounced in reports published by the biggest official analytical centers: Federal Statistic Office and Central Bank.
Chairman of the Synodal information Department of the Russian Orthodox Church V.R. Legoida declared on January 13, 2015 that desecration of any sacred object is inadmissible. The reason for the statement

The biggest international investment centers deteriorated their former forecasts of Russian development. Russian government seems also at a loss regarding disappointing 2015 forecast.

Official statement of Holy and Sacred Synod of Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople sacring Paisios of Mount Athos in Orthodox Church was published on January 13, 2015. The decision was carried unanimously

French media inform of the operation to apprehend two suspects in act of terrorism on January 07, 2015. Magnitude of the operation for capturing two bandits with hostage, armed with Kalashnokows and pyrotechnics

According to research, held by Researching Center Effet early in 2015, USA write of its partners and potential enemies more than others. China, Germany and India are TOP3 of the most often mentioned countries in US.
Companies news
Federal Russian Statistics Office held research of domestic business activities of 3 branches in December 2014: “mining operations”, “Processing”, “Production and distribution

The largest French Newspapers: Le Monde, Le Figaro, La Croix and Liberation today consider the causes and consequences of the fall of the Russian national currency. Among the main causes of the incident

The Decembrists are the first organized Russian nationalists? Today 14 December, the anniversary of the momentous events of 1825. The young officers, the Russian aristocrats who gave their lives or well-being

The state statistics Committee has reported a fall of production of petroleum products in October 2014 In October 2014 the production of motor gasoline in Russia amounted to 700.6 thousand tons or 87%