Южный поток переориентирован на Турцию Energy industry
Southern flow is re-oriented to Turkey
Turkey will be the second gas market for Russia and distribution center like Germany in Europe. Eurocommission banned Sothern flow through Bulgaria «gifted Ancara with gas valve, which she can use for
The word politics came to Russian language from the Greek language. It is closely related to two concepts: Politeia (gr.πολιτεία – public device) and Politika (gr. πολιτική – the activity on management of the state) .
Россия запретила поставки из Беларуси Belorussia
Russia has banned shipments from Belarus
President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, who held on December 03, 2014 the Cabinet meeting, which discussed measures to lift the ban on the import of Belarusian products to Russia and the way out of the situation.
Госкомстат опубликовал итоги января-октября 2014 г Macroeconomy
Goskomstat has published the results of January-October 2014
The state statistics Committee updated the information on socio-economic development of Russia, published data for October 2014. Favorite indicator of the country’s gross domestic product amounted
ДНК Ричарда III Плантагенета по мужской линии сомнительна History
DNA of Richard III Plantagenet in the male line questionable
British scientists studying the DNA of the remains of king Richard III Plantagenet, discovered in 2012 on the site of friary of Grey Friars friary in Leicester, known as the last resting place of Richard III.
Media review
Overview of the French media 02.12.14
The political life of France is currently alive. There is a new whiff associated with recognition of a Palestinian state, which will soon consider the French Parliament, the General Assembly.
Congress of French nationalists is in the process
French media write that on 29-30 November 2014 will be held the XV Congress of Le Front National or FN, which is a successful party of French nationalists. The Congress itself will take place without a
В Москву планируют привезти чудотворную икону Богородицы Достойно есть Orthodoxy
Miraculous icon of the Our Lady “It is Worthy” will be brought to Moscow
In 2015 it is planned to bring to Russia miraculous icon of Our lady «It is worthy» from mount Athos. The icon has left Athos just several times in its history.
Документы с Горы Афон планируют оцифровать History
Documents from mount Athos are planning to digitize
Books, manuscripts and rare documents from mount Athos are planning to digitize. This will help keep artifacts from disappearing. The project “Digital ark” provides for the creation of a separate
Simplified the procedure of withdrawal of accreditation of Universities
In the second reading the state Duma approved a bill allowing the Rosobrnadzor (Federal Service for supervision in education and science) is easier to deprive the Universities accreditation.
Французы против семейной политики правительства World
The French against the family policy of the government
81% of French people do not approve of the fiscal policy of the state, according to the survey of the new organization for the protection of the family Robbed families (Les Familles plumées).
Киргизских мигрантов будут организованно готовить к работе в РФ Russia
Migrants from Kirgizia will be prepared to work in Russia at home
On November 13, 2014 governments of Russia and Kirgizia signed Agreement about orderly recruitment of Kirgiz citizens for temporary work in Russia and order of Russian Federal Migration Service №2260-r
Раненая экономика (прогноз российского кризиса из Англии) Russia
Wounded Russian economy (English article)
The Economist suppose, that the Russian economy is wounded and closer to crisis, as thicks Poutin or West. According to the source, Poutine has number of problems, which he did himself.
Индийское «министерство йоги» вызывает сомнения в кругу учёных Natural science
Indian “Ministry of Yoga” is doubt by scholars
In Indoa traditional medicine is supported by the government. Indian prime-minister N. Modi contributed to the system of traditional medicine by creating the Ministry for Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy (AYUSH).
В Ровенской области создаётся единая Украинская поместная православная церковь Ukraine
Joint Ukrainian Orthodox Church will be created in Rovno region
On November 13, 2014 in Rovno region of Ukraine was approved document, calling for creation of joint “Ukrainian Orthodox Church”.